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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, C, I, M and R

ACROBATISMacrobatism n. (Dated) The feats of an acrobat; daring gymnastic feats.
ACROBATISM n. the art of the acrobat.
AMERCIABLEamerciable adj. Alternative form of amerceable.
AMERCIABLE adj. liable to be amerced, also AMERCEABLE.
AMPHIBRACHamphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in ancient Greek or Latin consisting of two short syllables surrounding one…
amphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in modern prosody, consisting of three syllables, the middle one of which…
AMPHIBRACH n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short.
BACTEREMIAbacteremia n. Alternative spelling of bacteraemia.
BACTEREMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTERAEMIA.
CARBAMIDEScarbamides n. Plural of carbamide.
CARBAMIDE n. the technical name for urea.
COLUMBARIAcolumbaria n. Plural of columbarium.
COLUMBARIUM n. (Latin) a vault with niches for storing urns; a dovecote or pigeon house.
IMBROCCATAimbroccata n. (Obsolete) A hit or thrust.
IMBROCCATA n. (Italian) a downward pass or thrust in fencing.
MACROBIOTAmacrobiota n. (Biology) The macroscopic flora and fauna of a region.
MACROBIOTA n. the larger organisms in the soil collectively.
MAINBRACESmainbraces n. Plural of mainbrace.
MAINBRACE n. the brace attached to the mainyard.
PROCAMBIALprocambial adj. Relating to a procambium.
PROCAMBIAL adj. relating to procambium, the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
UMBRATICALumbratical adj. Alternative form of umbratic.
UMBRATICAL adj. of or pertaining to the shade or darkness, also UMBRATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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