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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, C, D, L and O

ACCORDABLEaccordable adj. Able to be given or dispensed.
accordable adj. (Obsolete) Reconcilable; in accordance.
ACCORDABLE adj. agreeing.
BACKLOADEDbackloaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of backload.
BACKLOAD v. to load a lorry for a return journey.
BALDACHINObaldachino n. Alternative form of baldacchin.
BALDACHINO n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHIN, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
BLACKBOARDblackboard n. A large flat surface, finished with black slate or a similar material, that can be written upon with…
blackboard v. To use a blackboard to assist in an informal discussion.
BLACKBOARD n. a hard smooth usually dark surface used esp. in a classroom for writing or drawing on with chalk.
BROADSCALEbroadscale adj. On a broad scale; which is spread over a broad area.
BROADSCALE adj. broad in extent, range or effect.
CALLBOARDScallboards n. Plural of callboard.
CALLBOARD n. a noticeboard listing opportunities for performers.
CARAMBOLEDcaramboled v. Simple past tense and past participle of carambole.
CARAMBOLE v. (French) to make a cannon in billiards, also CAROM, CARROM.
CARBOLATEDcarbolated adj. Modified by the addition of carbolic acid.
CARBOLATED adj. containing carbolic acid.
CHALKBOARDchalkboard n. A slate or enamel board for writing on with chalk; a predecessor to a whiteboard.
chalkboard v. To write or draw on a chalkboard.
CHALKBOARD n. a blackboard.
CLAPBOARDSclapboards n. Plural of clapboard.
CLAPBOARD v. to cover with clapboard.
DIABOLICALdiabolical adj. Extremely wicked or cruel.
diabolical adj. Of or concerning the devil; satanic.
DIABOLICAL adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil.
SCALEBOARDscaleboard n. (Obsolete, printing) A thin slip of wood used to justify a page.
scaleboard n. (Obsolete) A thin veneer or leaf of wood used for covering the surface of articles of furniture etc.
SCALEBOARD n. a very thin piece of board, used for backing a picture, as a veneer, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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