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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3A, I, R and 2S

APPRAISALSappraisals n. Plural of appraisal.
APPRAISAL n. the act of appraising.
ASCARIASESascariases n. Plural of ascariasis.
ASCARIASIS n. infestation with, or disease caused by, ascarids.
ASCARIASISascariasis n. A disease of humans caused by the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides in humans and by other species…
ASCARIASIS n. infestation with, or disease caused by, ascarids.
ASTRANTIASastrantias n. Plural of astrantia.
ASTRANTIA n. a plant of the Astrantia genus of hardy, perennial umbelliferous plants with showy petallike bracts.
BARASINGASbarasingas n. Plural of barasinga.
BARASINGA n. (Hindi) the Indian swamp-deer, also BARASINGHA.
CAESARIANSCaesarians n. Plural of Caesarian.
Cæsarians n. Plural of Cæsarian.
CAESARIAN n. an operation to deliver a baby by cutting through the walls of the abdomen, also CAESAREAN, CESAREAN, CESARIAN.
CARNASSIALcarnassial n. One of the teeth used by a carnivore for shearing flesh, being the last upper premolar and the first lower molar.
CARNASSIAL adj. adapted for tearing.
CARNASSIAL n. a tooth adapted for tearing.
CASUARINAScasuarinas n. Plural of casuarina.
CASUARINA n. a tree of the genus Casuarina, native to Australia and parts of SE Asia, with jointed branches resembling gigantic horsetail plants.
LAMASERAISlamaserais n. Plural of lamaserai.
LAMASERAI n. (Tibetan) a monastery or convent of lamas, in Tibet, Mongolia, etc., also LAMASERY.
MAIASAURASMAIASAURA n. a species of dinosaur, also MAIASAUR.
RASTAFARISRASTAFARI n. a member of a West Indian cult which rejects western ideas and regards the Emperor Haile Selassie as divine.
SACRALGIASSACRALGIA n. inflammation of the sacrum.
SAMARITANSsamaritans n. Plural of samaritan.
Samaritans n. Plural of Samaritan.
Samaritans prop.n. (UK) A telephone helpline providing support to those at risk of suicide.
SAPONARIASSAPONARIA n. a genus of flowers, aka soapwort.
SAPRAEMIASsapraemias n. Plural of sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIA n. a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIA.
SPINARAMASspinaramas n. Plural of spinarama.
SPINARAMA n. (Canadian) an evasive move, especially in hockey, consisting of an abrupt 360-degree turn.
TARSALGIAStarsalgias n. Plural of tarsalgia.
TARSALGIA n. pain in the instep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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