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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 3A, I, N, O and P

ADAPTATIONadaptation n. (Uncountable) The process of adapting something or becoming adapted to a situation; adjustment, modification.
adaptation n. (Countable) A change that is made or undergone to suit a condition or environment.
adaptation n. (Uncountable, evolutionary theory) The process of change that an organism undergoes to be better suited…
DIAPASONALDIAPASONAL adj. relating to a diapason, also DIAPASONIC.
PARANOIACSparanoiacs n. Plural of paranoiac.
PARANOIAC n. someone suffering from paranoia, also PARANOEIC, PARANOIC.
PARANOIDALparanoidal adj. (Dated, medicine) paranoid.
PARANOIDAL adj. suffering from paranoia, also PARANOID.
PARAPHONIAparaphonia n. (Music) In Byzantine music, a melodic progression by consonances (fourths and fifths).
paraphonia n. (Medicine) An abnormal condition or alteration of the voice, as at puberty.
PARAPHONIA n. alteration of the voice; as at puberty.
PARASOMNIAparasomnia n. (Psychiatry, medicine) Any of several sleep disorders.
PARASOMNIA n. any of several sleep disorders characterized by abnormal or unusual behaviour of the nervous system during any of the stages of sleep.
PHAGOMANIAphagomania n. A compulsion to eat.
PHAGOMANIA n. a compulsive desire to eat.
SAPONARIASSAPONARIA n. a genus of flowers, aka soapwort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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