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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 3A, I, 2N and R

AMARANTINEamarantine n. Alternative form of amaranthine.
amarantine adj. Alternative form of amaranthine.
AMARANTINE adj. like amaranth, of a dark reddish-purple colour, also AMARANTHINE, AMARANTIN.
ARACHNIDANarachnidan n. (Zoology) Any of the Arachnida.
ARACHNIDAN n. any member of class Arachnida.
CARAVANINGcaravaning v. Present participle of caravan.
CARAVANING n. the act of holidaying by caravan.
CATENARIANcatenarian adj. Catenary; like a chain.
CATENARIAN adj. of or pertaining to chains.
INTRANASALintranasal adj. Within the nose.
intranasal adj. (Medicine) Taken through the nose.
INTRANASAL adj. lying within or administered by way of the nasal structure.
JANIZARIANjanizarian adj. Of or pertaining to the janizaries or their government.
JANIZARIAN adj. of or pertaining to the janizaries, or their government.
KARANGAINGKARANGA v. to perform such a welcome.
LAMINARIANlaminarian adj. Relating to seaweeds of the genus Laminaria, or to the depth zone of the sea in which they grow.
laminarian n. Any seaweed of the genus Laminaria.
LAMINARIAN n. a brown seaweed.
PANCRATIANpancratian adj. Athletic.
PANCRATIAN adj. pancratic; athletic.
PLANARIANSplanarians n. Plural of planarian.
PLANARIAN n. a kind of aquatic flatworm, also PLANARIA.
SANITARIANsanitarian adj. Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary.
sanitarian n. (US) A public health or sanitation worker.
sanitarian n. (Historical) A person who promoted sanitary reforms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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