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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 3A, E, I, P and S

ANABAPTISEanabaptise v. Alternative form of anabaptize.
ANABAPTISE v. to rebaptise, also ANABAPTIZE.
ANAPAESTICanapaestic adj. Alternative spelling of anapestic.
anapaestic n. Alternative spelling of anapestic.
ANAPAESTIC adj. in the form of an anapaest, two short metrical syllables followed by one long one.
ASPARAGINEasparagine n. (Biochemistry) A nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3 found in plants such as asparagus.
ASPARAGINE n. an amino acid found in asparagus and other vegetables.
METAPLASIAmetaplasia n. (Biology) The conversion of one type of tissue into another.
METAPLASIA n. the change of one kind of tissue into another, also METAPLASIS.
PALATALISEpalatalise v. Alternative spelling of palatalize.
PALATALISE v. to make (a sound) palatal, also PALATALIZE.
PARACASEINparacasein n. Casein coagulated with chymosin.
PARACASEIN n. another name for casein.
PARADISEANparadisean adj. Paradisiacal.
PARAKELIASPARAKELIA n. (Native Australian) a succulent Australian herb, also PARAKEELYA.
PARALEXIASparalexias n. Plural of paralexia.
PARALEXIA n. transposition of words or syllables in reading, due to brain damage.
PARAMNESIAparamnesia n. An inability to distinguish between real memories and dreams or fantasies.
paramnesia n. An inability to remember the meaning of common words.
PARAMNESIA n. abnormality of memory, esp. forgetting of meaning of words.
PARASAILEDparasailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of parasail.
PARASAIL v. to soar while harnessed to a parachute towed by a car or boat.
PARASCENIAparascenia n. Plural of parascenium.
PARASCENIUM n. in the Greek theatre, a wing, a side-scene.
SAPRAEMIASsapraemias n. Plural of sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIA n. a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIA.
SPANAEMIASspanaemias n. Plural of spanaemia.
SPANAEMIA n. a deficiency of red corpuscles in the blood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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