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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 3A, C, I, L and T

ABACTERIALabacterial adj. Not caused by bacteria; characterized by a lack of bacteria.
ABACTERIAL adj. not caused by or characterised by the presence of bacteria.
AGALACTIASagalactias n. Plural of agalactia.
AGALACTIA n. the failure or inability to produce milk.
ANACLASTICanaclastic adj. Produced by the refraction of light, as seen through water.
anaclastic adj. Springing back, as the bottom of an anaclastic glass.
ANACLASTIC adj. refractive; of or pertaining to refraction.
ANALYTICALanalytical adj. Of or pertaining to analysis; resolving into elements or constituent parts.
analytical adj. Using analytic reasoning as opposed to synthetic.
ANALYTICAL adj. pertaining to analysis, also ANALYTIC.
ANAPLASTICanaplastic adj. (Oncology) Of, or relating to, a tumor that shows little histogenetic differentiation. It implies that…
anaplastic adj. (Surgery) Of or relating to plastic surgery.
ANAPLASTIC adj. of or pertaining to anaplasty.
ANATOMICALanatomical adj. Of or relating to anatomy or dissection.
ANATOMICAL adj. relating to anatomy, also ANATOMIC.
AUTARKICALautarkical adj. Autarkic.
AUTARKICAL adj. relating to autarky, absolute sovereignty, also AUTARCHIC, AUTARCHICAL, AUTARKIC.
CARYATIDALcaryatidal adj. Of or relating to a caryatid.
CARYATIDAL adj. of or like a caryatid, a draped female figure supporting an entablature, also CARYATIC, CARYATIDEAN, CARYATIDIC.
CATACLASIScataclasis n. (Geology) cataclastic rock (a type of metamorphic rock that has been wholly or partly formed by the…
cataclasis n. (Geology) A process of formation of such rock.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CATACLINALCATACLINAL adj. of streams, valleys, etc., running in the direction of the dip of the surrounding rock strata.
CATAMENIALcatamenial adj. Of or relating to the menses or menstruation.
CATAMENIAL adj. pertaining to the catamenia, or menstrual discharges.
CATAPLASIAcataplasia n. The degeneration of cells or tissue.
CATAPLASIA n. the degeneration of cells and tissues to a less highly developed form.
CROTALARIAcrotalaria n. (Botany) Any of the genus Crotalaria of herbaceous plants and woody shrubs.
Crotalaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the rattlepods, of Africa.
CROTALARIA n. any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
DRAMATICALdramatical adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of drama or the theatre.
DRAMATICAL adj. of or pertaining to the drama; theatrical.
LACTARIANSlactarians n. Plural of lactarian.
LACTARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products.
PALACSINTASorry, definition not available.
RAGMATICALragmatical adj. (Obsolete) Wild or riotous.
RAGMATICAL adj. riotous, disorderly.
SABBATICALsabbatical adj. Relating to the Sabbath.
sabbatical adj. Relating to a sabbatical.
sabbatical n. An extended period of leave from a person’s usual pursuits.
SCARLATINAscarlatina n. (Pathology) scarlet fever.
SCARLATINA n. scarlet fever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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