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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 3A, B, E, L and T

ABACTERIALabacterial adj. Not caused by bacteria; characterized by a lack of bacteria.
ABACTERIAL adj. not caused by or characterised by the presence of bacteria.
ACETABULARacetabular adj. Cup-shaped; saucer-shaped.
acetabular adj. Related to the acetabulum.
ACETABULAR adj. cup-shaped; saucer-shaped.
ALABANDITEalabandite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of manganese sulfide, MnS, sometimes found in meteorites.
ALABANDITE n. a cubic mineral, magnesium sulphide.
ALABASTERSalabasters n. Plural of alabaster.
ALABASTER n. a soft, semitransparent gypsum.
ALABLASTERalablaster n. Obsolete form of alabaster.
ALABLASTER n. (obsolete) alabaster.
ANALPHABETanalphabet n. A person who does not know the letters of the alphabet; a partly or wholly illiterate person.
analphabet adj. Ignorant of the letters of the alphabet; partly or wholly illiterate.
ANALPHABET n. an illiterate; one who doesn't know the alphabet or the basics of something, also ANALPHABETE.
ATTACHABLEattachable adj. Able to be attached.
ATTACHABLE adj. that can be attached.
ATTACKABLEattackable adj. Which may be attacked.
ATTACKABLE adj. capable of being attacked.
ATTAINABLEattainable adj. Able to be accomplished, achieved, or obtained.
attainable n. Something that can be attained.
ATTAINABLE adj. that can be attained.
BAALEBATIMBAALEBOS n. (Yiddish) master of the house.
BASALTWAREbasaltware n. Articles made from basalt.
BASALTWARE n. a hard fine-grained black stoneware.
BLASTEMATAblastemata n. Plural of blastema.
BLASTEMA n. the protoplasmic part of an ovum, distinguished from the yolk.
CABALETTAScabalettas n. Plural of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
NARRATABLEnarratable adj. Capable of being narrated.
NARRATABLE adj. that can be narrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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