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There are 18 words containing A, O, 3S and X

ANXIOUSNESSanxiousness n. The state of being anxious.
anxiousness n. A feeling of anxiety.
ANXIOUSNESS n. the state of being anxious.
ANXIOUSNESSESanxiousnesses n. Plural of anxiousness.
ANXIOUSNESS n. the state of being anxious.
EXPANSIONISMSexpansionisms n. Plural of expansionism.
EXPANSIONISM n. a policy or practice of expansion and esp. of territorial expansion by a nation.
EXPANSIONISTSexpansionists n. Plural of expansionist.
EXPANSIONIST n. an advocate of expansionism.
EXTENSIONALISMSextensionalisms n. Plural of extensionalism.
EXTENSIONALISM n. the state of being extensional.
EXTRANEOUSNESSextraneousness n. The state of being extraneous or inessential and irrelevant; extrinsic.
EXTRANEOUS n. not forming an essential or vital part.
EXTRASYSTOLESextrasystoles n. Plural of extrasystole.
EXTRASYSTOLE n. a premature beat of one of the chambers of the heart that leads to momentary arrhythmia.
HEXOSAMINIDASEShexosaminidases n. Plural of hexosaminidase.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
HOMOSEXUALISTShomosexualists n. Plural of homosexualist.
HOMOSEXUALIST n. a homosexual.
PROXIMATENESSESPROXIMATENESS n. the state of being proximate.
SAXOPHONISTSsaxophonists n. Plural of saxophonist.
SAXOPHONIST n. one who plays the saxophone.
SEXUALISATIONSsexualisations n. Plural of sexualisation.
SEXUALISATION n. the process of sexualising, also SEXUALIZATION.
TOXOPLASMOSEStoxoplasmoses n. Plural of toxoplasmosis.
TOXOPLASMOSIS n. an infection of animals (esp. the domestic cat) and humans by microorganisms, prob protozoa, of the genus Toxoplasma.
TOXOPLASMOSIStoxoplasmosis n. A disease, caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, that primarily affects felids, but also other mammals…
TOXOPLASMOSIS n. an infection of animals (esp. the domestic cat) and humans by microorganisms, prob protozoa, of the genus Toxoplasma.
VEXATIOUSNESSvexatiousness n. The state of being vexatious.
VEXATIOUSNESS n. the state of being vexatious.
VEXATIOUSNESSESVEXATIOUSNESS n. the state of being vexatious.
XENOGLOSSIASXENOGLOSSIA n. a person's knowledge of a language never studied, also XENOGLOSSY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 271 words
  • Scrabble in French: 294 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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