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There are 13 words containing A, 4O and U

ODONTOMATOUSodontomatous adj. Relating to an odontoma.
ODONTOMATOUS adj. like an odontoma, a tumour arising in connection with the teeth.
HOMOLOGOUMENAHomologoumena n. (Christianity) Those books of the New Testament which were acknowledged as canonical by the early church;…
HOMOLOGOUMENA n. the books of the New Testament whose authenticity was universally acknowledged in the early Church, also HOMOLOGUMENA.
NONAUTONOMOUSnonautonomous adj. Not autonomous.
NONAUTONOMOUS adj. not autonomous.
NONMONOGAMOUSnonmonogamous adj. Not monogamous.
NONMONOGAMOUS adj. not monogamous.
OMMATOPHOROUSOMMATOPHOROUS adj. of or like ommatophore, an eyestalk, as in snails.
OUTDOORSWOMANoutdoorswoman n. The female equivalent of an outdoorsman.
HOLOMETABOLOUSholometabolous adj. (Entomology) Pertaining to, or undergoing, holometabolism; going through complete metamorphosis.
HOLOMETABOLOUS adj. characterized by complete metamorphosis.
PHOTOAUTOTROPHphotoautotroph n. (Biology) an organism, such as all green plants, that can synthesize its own food from inorganic material…
PHOTOAUTOTROPH n. an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light as an energy source.
ANDROMONOECIOUSandromonoecious adj. (Botany) Producing both bisexual and male flowers on the same plant.
ANDROMONOECIOUS adj. having hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same plant.
CHROMATOPHOROUSCHROMATOPHOROUS adj. of or like a chromatophore, a pigment-bearing cell.
ODONTOSTOMATOUSODONTOSTOMATOUS adj. having biting or toothed jaws.
PHOTOAUTOTROPHSphotoautotrophs n. Plural of photoautotroph.
PHOTOAUTOTROPH n. an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light as an energy source.
PHOTOFLUOROGRAMphotofluorogram n. (Photography) A photograph made by photofluorography.
PHOTOFLUOROGRAM n. a photograph of a fluoroscopic image.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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