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There are 15 words containing A, N, 2T and 2V

ANTIDERIVATIVEantiderivative n. (Calculus) A function whose derivative is a given function; an indefinite integral.
ANTIDERIVATIVE n. an indefinite integral.
ANTIDERIVATIVESantiderivatives n. Plural of antiderivative.
ANTIDERIVATIVE n. an indefinite integral.
ANTIVIVISECTIONantivivisection adj. Opposed to vivisection.
ANTIVIVISECTION adj. opposed to vivivsection.
INVESTIGATIVEinvestigative adj. Of or pertaining to investigation.
investigative adj. Inquisitive; curious.
INVESTIGATIVE adj. relating to investigation.
OVERATTENTIVEoverattentive adj. Excessively attentive.
OVERATTENTIVE adj. excessively attentive.
OVERCULTIVATIONovercultivation n. Excessive cultivation.
OVERCULTIVATION n. excessively cultivation.
OVEREXTRAVAGANToverextravagant adj. Too extravagant.
OVEREXTRAVAGANT adj. excessively extravagant.
PREVENTATIVEpreventative adj. Alternative form of preventive.
preventative n. Alternative form of preventive.
PREVENTATIVE adj. acting to prevent, also PREVENTIVE.
PREVENTATIVESpreventatives n. Plural of preventative.
PREVENTATIVE n. something intended to prevent.
VEGETATIVENESSvegetativeness n. The quality of being vegetative.
VEGETATIVENESS n. the state of being vegetative.
VENTILATIVEventilative adj. Having the functions of a ventilator; giving ventilation.
VENTILATIVE adj. relating to ventilation.
VITATIVENESSvitativeness n. Quality of being vitative.
VITATIVENESS n. the state of being vitative.
VITATIVENESSESVITATIVENESS n. the state of being vitative.
VOLUNTATIVEvoluntative n. (Grammar) A grammatical construct expressing a wish to do something, similar in meaning to let’s in English.
VOLUNTATIVE n. a verb form expressing a desire to perform the action denoted by the verb.
VOLUNTATIVESvoluntatives n. Plural of voluntative.
VOLUNTATIVE n. a verb form expressing a desire to perform the action denoted by the verb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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