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There are 17 words containing A, N, 2P and 2Y

YAPPINGLYyappingly adv. With yapping sounds.
HYPOPHARYNXhypopharynx n. (Anatomy) bottom part of the pharynx, the part of the throat that connects to the esophagus.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
HYPNOTHERAPYhypnotherapy n. Treatment of disease by means of hypnotism.
HYPNOTHERAPY n. therapy involving the use of hypnotism.
HYPOPHRYGIANhypophrygian adj. (Music) Of or relating to a musical mode or diatonic scale in medieval chant theory, the fourth mode…
hypophrygian n. (Music) The hypophrygian mode.
Hypophrygian adj. Alternative form of hypophrygian.
POLYSYNAPTICpolysynaptic adj. (Of a reflex or impulse) of or involving multiple synapses.
POLYSYNAPTIC adj. involving two or more synapses in the central nervous system.
SYNAPOMORPHYsynapomorphy n. (Cladistics) A derived trait that is shared by two or more taxa of shared ancestry.
HYPERPHRYGIANHYPERPHRYGIAN adj. above the Phrygian; applied to a mode of ancient Greek music having as its lower tetrachord the upper tetrachord of the Phrygian.
HYPOPHARYNGEShypopharynges n. Plural of hypopharynx.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
HYPOPHARYNXEShypopharynxes n. Plural of hypopharynx.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
PHARYNGOSCOPYpharyngoscopy n. The medical examination of the pharynx.
PHARYNGOSCOPY n. examination of the pharynx.
PHENOTYPICALLYphenotypically adv. (Biology) With regard to the phenotype.
PHENOTYPICAL adv. relating to a phenotype, also PHENOTYPIC.
POLYPHONICALLYpolyphonically adv. In a polyphonic manner; using polyphony.
POLYPHONIC adv. having a multiplicity of sounds, also POLYPHONOUS.
ADENOHYPOPHYSESadenohypophyses n. Plural of adenohypophysis.
ADENOHYPOPHYSIS n. the anterior glandular lobe of the pituitary gland.
ADENOHYPOPHYSISadenohypophysis n. (Anatomy) The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, producing and secreting several peptide hormones…
ADENOHYPOPHYSIS n. the anterior glandular lobe of the pituitary gland.
LYMPHADENOPATHYlymphadenopathy n. (Medicine) An abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes; it is often a nonspecific sign of infection but…
LYMPHADENOPATHY n. abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes.
LYMPHOCYTOPENIAlymphocytopenia n. (Pathology) An abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
LYMPHOCYTOPENIA n. an abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
PRESYNAPTICALLYpresynaptically adv. In a presynaptic manner.
PRESYNAPTIC adv. relating to a neuron by which a nerve impulse is conveyed to a synapse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 374 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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