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There are 20 words containing A, L, O, 2P and Z

POPULARIZEpopularize v. To make popular.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
POPULARIZEDpopularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of popularize.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
POPULARIZERpopularizer n. One who popularizes something.
POPULARIZER n. one who popularizes, also POPULARISER.
POPULARIZESpopularizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of popularize.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
POPULARIZERSpopularizers n. Plural of popularizer.
POPULARIZER n. one who popularizes, also POPULARISER.
POPULARIZINGpopularizing v. Present participle of popularize.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
REPOPULARIZErepopularize v. (US, transitive) To make popular again.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
HYPERPOLARIZEhyperpolarize v. To increase the polarity of something, especially the polarity across a biological membrane.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
REPOPULARIZEDrepopularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of repopularize.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
REPOPULARIZESrepopularizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repopularize.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
ZYGAPOPHYSEALzygapophyseal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the zygapophysis.
ZYGAPOPHYSEAL adj. relating to the zygapophysis, also ZYGAPOPHYSIAL.
ZYGAPOPHYSIALzygapophysial adj. Of or pertaining to zygapophysis.
ZYGAPOPHYSIAL adj. relating to the zygapophysis, also ZYGAPOPHYSEAL.
HYPERPOLARIZEDhyperpolarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
HYPERPOLARIZEShyperpolarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
POPULARIZATIONpopularization n. The act of making something popular to the general public.
POPULARIZATION n. the act of popularizing, also POPULARISATION.
REPOPULARIZINGrepopularizing v. Present participle of repopularize.
REPOPULARIZE v. to popularize again, also REPOPULARISE.
HYPERPOLARIZINGhyperpolarizing v. Present participle of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
POPULARIZATIONSpopularizations n. Plural of popularization.
POPULARIZATION n. the act of popularizing, also POPULARISATION.
PROPYLITIZATIONpropylitization n. (Geology) The alteration of minerals and ores at low temperature and pressure.
PROPYLITIZATION n. the process of propylitizing, also PROPYLITISATION.
SULPHINPYRAZONEsulphinpyrazone n. Alternative form of sulfinpyrazone.
SULPHINPYRAZONE n. a drug used to treat gout.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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