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There are 19 words containing A, I, 2N, W and Z

WANZINGwanzing v. Present participle of wanze.
WANZE v. (obsolete) to decrease, waste away.
WANTONIZEwantonize v. (Intransitive) To be wanton; to indulge in lewdness, flirtation or lasciviousness.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WEAZENINGWEAZEN v. to become dry and shrivelled, also WIZEN.
WANTONIZEDwantonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of wantonize.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WANTONIZESwantonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wantonize.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WOMANIZINGwomanizing v. Present participle of womanize.
WOMANIZING n. engagement in casual sexual encounters with women, also WOMANISING.
WANTONIZINGwantonizing v. Present participle of wantonize.
WANTONIZE v. (archaic) to play the wanton, also WANTONISE.
WEAPONIZINGweaponizing v. Present participle of weaponize.
WEAPONIZE v. to adapt a chemical, bacillus etc. for use as a weapon, also WEAPONISE.
WOMANIZINGSWOMANIZING n. engagement in casual sexual encounters with women, also WOMANISING.
ZUGZWANGINGZUGZWANG v. to place in zugzwang.
NEWSMAGAZINEnewsmagazine n. A magazine that specializes in delivering news.
newsmagazine n. (Broadcasting) A news show presenting feature-length stories on current events, rather than immediate reports.
NEWSMAGAZINE n. a usually weekly magazine devoted chiefly to summarizing and analyzing news.
WARRANTIZINGWARRANTIZE v. to guarantee the security of (land) to a person, also WARRANTISE.
NEWSMAGAZINESnewsmagazines n. Plural of newsmagazine.
NEWSMAGAZINE n. a usually weekly magazine devoted chiefly to summarizing and analyzing news.
WEAPONIZATIONweaponization n. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of weaponisation.
WINTERIZATIONwinterization n. The process in which solid fats are removed from liquid edible oils by cooling, which allows such oils…
winterization n. The act of preparing something for winter weather.
WINTERIZATION n. the act of winterizing, also WINTERISATION.
WEAPONIZATIONSSorry, definition not available.
WESTERNIZATIONwesternization n. The process of assimilation, by a society, of the customs and practices of western culture.
WESTERNIZATION n. conversion to or adoption of western traditions or techniques, also WESTERNISATION.
WINTERIZATIONSwinterizations n. Plural of winterization.
WINTERIZATION n. the act of winterizing, also WINTERISATION.
WESTERNIZATIONSwesternizations n. Plural of westernization.
WESTERNIZATION n. conversion to or adoption of western traditions or techniques, also WESTERNISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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