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There are 19 words containing A, 3G, T and U

AGGLUTINATINGagglutinating v. Present participle of agglutinate.
AGGLUTINATE v. to glue together; in philology, to make compound words by additions.
AGGLUTINOGENagglutinogen n. (Biochemistry) Any antigen that stimulates the production of an agglutinin.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
AGGLUTINOGENICagglutinogenic adj. Relating to an agglutinogen.
AGGLUTINOGENIC adj. of or like an agglutinogen.
AGGLUTINOGENSagglutinogens n. Plural of agglutinogen.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
ANTISMUGGLINGantismuggling adj. (Law enforcement) Acting to combat or prevent smuggling.
ANTISMUGGLING adj. designed to counter smuggling.
AUTOSUGGESTINGautosuggesting v. Present participle of autosuggest.
AUTOSUGGEST v. to influence one's own actions by self-suggestion.
EGURGITATINGEGURGITATE v. to vomit, to cast forth.
GALACTAGOGUEgalactagogue n. A substance that induces lactation.
GALACTAGOGUE n. a medicine that promotes secretion of milk.
GALACTAGOGUESgalactagogues n. Plural of galactagogue.
GALACTAGOGUE n. a medicine that promotes secretion of milk.
GANGBUSTINGgangbusting n. The disruption by law enforcement of organized crime.
GANGBUSTING n. breaking up gangs.
INGURGITATINGingurgitating v. Present participle of ingurgitate.
INGURGITATE v. to swallow greedily or in large quantities.
OUTBRAGGINGoutbragging v. Present participle of outbrag.
OUTBRAG v. to surpass in bragging.
OUTDRAGGINGoutdragging v. Present participle of outdrag.
OUTDRAG v. to surpass in drag racing.
REGURGITATINGregurgitating v. Present participle of regurgitate.
REGURGITATE v. to bring back into the mouth after swallowing.
SUBAGGREGATEsubaggregate n. A secondary or subsidiary aggregate.
SUBAGGREGATE n. part of an aggregate.
SUBAGGREGATESsubaggregates n. Plural of subaggregate.
SUBAGGREGATE n. part of an aggregate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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