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There are 13 words containing A, F, 2T, U and V

FAUVETTEfauvette n. A small songbird, such as a nightingale or warbler.
FAUVETTE n. (French) a small singing bird, as the nightingale and warblers.
FAUVETTESfauvettes n. Plural of fauvette.
FAUVETTE n. (French) a small singing bird, as the nightingale and warblers.
CONFUTATIVEconfutative adj. That confutes.
CONFUTATIVE adj. tending to confute.
FACULTATIVEfacultative adj. Of or relating to faculty, especially to mental faculty.
facultative adj. Not obligate; optional, discretionary or elective.
facultative adj. That grants permission or power to do something.
PUTREFACTIVEputrefactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing putrefaction.
PUTREFACTIVE adj. relating to putrefaction.
STUPEFACTIVEstupefactive adj. Inducing stupor; making drowsy; stupefacient.
STUPEFACTIVE adj. causing stupefaction.
VITRIFACTUREvitrifacture n. The manufacture of glass and glassware.
VITRIFACTURE n. glassblowing.
FACULTATIVELYfacultatively adv. In a facultative manner.
FACULTATIVE adv. optional; incidental.
FREQUENTATIVEfrequentative adj. (Grammar) Serving to express repetition of an action.
frequentative n. (Grammar) Any of a subclass of imperfective verbs that denote a repeated action, no longer productive…
FREQUENTATIVE n. a tense of a verb denoting a repeated or recurrent action or state.
JUSTIFICATIVEjustificative adj. Justificatory.
JUSTIFICATIVE adj. serving to justify, also JUSTIFICATORY.
FREQUENTATIVESfrequentatives n. Plural of frequentative.
FREQUENTATIVE n. a tense of a verb denoting a repeated or recurrent action or state.
OUTFANGTHIEVESOUTFANGTHIEF n. (historical) the right of judging and fining thieves pursued and brought back from outside one's own jurisdiction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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