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There are 20 words containing A, F, K, R, S and U

BEAKERFULSbeakerfuls n. Plural of beakerful.
BEAKERFUL n. the contents of a full beaker.
CRAIGFLUKESCRAIGFLUKE n. a type of flat fish, aka the witch.
FRAKTURSfrakturs n. Plural of fraktur.
Frakturs n. Plural of Fraktur.
FRAKTUR n. (German) a German style of black letter, the normal type used for printing German from the 16th to the mid 20th cent, also FRACTUR.
FRANKFURTERSfrankfurters n. Plural of frankfurter.
Frankfurters n. Plural of Frankfurter.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
FRANKFURTSfrankfurts n. Plural of frankfurt.
FRANKFURT n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURTER.
FRANKUMSFrankums prop.n. Plural of Frankum.
FRANKUM n. the hardened resin of a spruce tree.
FREAKOUTSfreakouts n. Plural of freakout.
freak-outs n. Plural of freak-out.
freak␣outs n. Plural of freak out.
FRUITCAKESfruitcakes n. Plural of fruitcake.
fruit-cakes n. Plural of fruit-cake.
fruit␣cakes n. Plural of fruit cake.
FUTHARKSfutharks n. Plural of futhark.
FUTHARK n. the runic alphabet, also FUTHARC, FUTHORC, FUTHORK.
JACKFRUITSjackfruits n. Plural of jackfruit.
jack-fruits n. Plural of jack-fruit.
jack␣fruits n. Plural of jack fruit.
JAKFRUITSjakfruits n. Plural of jakfruit.
JAKFRUIT n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAK.
NEUROFEEDBACKSNEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.
RACKFULSrackfuls n. Plural of rackful.
RACKFUL n. as much as a rack can hold.
STARFUCKERstarfucker n. (Slang, vulgar, derogatory) One who obsessively seeks sex or association with stars, or celebrities.
star-fucker n. Alternative spelling of starfucker.
STARFUCKER n. (vulgar) a person who seeks to have sexual relations with celebrities.
STARFUCKERSstarfuckers n. Plural of starfucker.
star-fuckers n. Plural of star-fucker.
STARFUCKER n. (vulgar) a person who seeks to have sexual relations with celebrities.
STARFUCKINGstarfucking adj. (Vulgar) Seeking inordinate personal benefits from the wishes and needs of a celebrity.
starfucking n. (Vulgar) The activity of having sexual relations with celebrities.
starfucking v. Present participle of starfuck.
STARFUCKINGSSTARFUCKING n. (vulgar) having sexual relations with celebrities.
SUPERFLACKsuperflack n. (Informal) A highly successful publicity agent.
SUPERFLACK n. a superior press agent.
SUPERFLACKSsuperflacks n. Plural of superflack.
SUPERFLACK n. a superior press agent.
UNFORSAKENunforsaken adj. Not forsaken.
UNFORSAKEN adj. not forsaken.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 534 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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