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There are 18 words containing A, F, G, H, M and S

AFFREIGHTMENTSaffreightments n. Plural of affreightment.
AFFREIGHTMENT n. hiring of a vessel.
FAMISHINGfamishing v. Present participle of famish.
FAMISH v. to suffer extreme hunger.
FASHIONMONGERfashionmonger n. (Derogatory) One who slavishly follows the latest fashions.
FASHIONMONGERSfashionmongers n. Plural of fashionmonger.
FASHIONMONGINGFASHIONMONGING adj. (Shakespeare) behaving like a fop.
FILMOGRAPHIESfilmographies n. Plural of filmography.
FILMOGRAPHY n. a list of the films of a particular actor or director.
FLASHMOBBINGFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
FLASHMOBBINGSFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
FROGMARCHESfrogmarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frogmarch.
frogmarches n. Plural of frogmarch.
frog-marches n. Plural of frog-march.
GAMEFISHgamefish n. (Fishing) Fish deemed suitable for the sport of angling, as opposed to those caught primarily for food.
game␣fish n. Synonym of sport fish.
GAMEFISH n. a fish caught for sport.
GAMEFISHESgamefishes n. Plural of gamefish.
game␣fishes n. Plural of game fish.
GAMEFISH n. a fish caught for sport.
GEMEINSCHAFTgemeinschaft n. An association or group of individuals sharing common beliefs, attitudes, and tastes; a fellowship.
gemeinschaft n. (Sociology) A society or group characterized by a strong sense of common identity, personal relationships…
Gemeinschaft n. Alternative form of gemeinschaft.
GEMEINSCHAFTENgemeinschaften n. Plural of gemeinschaft.
GEMEINSCHAFT n. (German) a spontaneous social relationship characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of sentiment and kinship within a common tradition.
GEMEINSCHAFTSgemeinschafts n. Plural of gemeinschaft.
GEMEINSCHAFT n. (German) a spontaneous social relationship characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of sentiment and kinship within a common tradition.
HEMOFLAGELLATEShemoflagellates n. Plural of hemoflagellate.
HEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate (as a trypanosome) that is a blood parasite, also HAEMOFLAGELLATE.
HOMOGRAFTShomografts n. Plural of homograft.
HOMOGRAFT n. a graft from one individual to another unrelated individual of the same species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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