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There are 17 words containing A, E, J, L, R and Y

CAJOLERYcajolery n. Cajolement.
CAJOLERY n. persuasion by flattery.
JAYWALKERjaywalker n. A person who violates pedestrian traffic regulations by crossing a street away from a designated crossing…
jay-walker n. Alternative spelling of jaywalker.
JAYWALKER n. one who walks in the road rather than on the pavement.
JAYWALKERSjaywalkers n. Plural of jaywalker.
jay-walkers n. Plural of jay-walker (alternative spelling of jaywalkers).
JAYWALKER n. one who walks in the road rather than on the pavement.
JELLYGRAPHjellygraph n. A hectograph.
jellygraph v. To hectograph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
EJACULATORYejaculatory adj. Of or pertaining to ejaculation.
ejaculatory adj. Of speech, exclamatory.
EJACULATORY adj. marked by or given to vocal ejaculation.
JABBERINGLYjabberingly adv. In a jabbering way.
JABBERING adv. talking rapidly.
JELLYGRAPHSjellygraphs n. Plural of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
JELLYGRAPHEDjellygraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
JEOPARDOUSLYjeopardously adv. In a jeopardous manner.
JEOPARDOUS adv. (obsolete) perilous; hazardous.
PEJORATIVELYpejoratively adv. In a pejorative manner. Insultingly, disparagingly; so as to belittle another or harm their reputation.
PEJORATIVE adv. implying or imputing evil.
CONJECTURABLYconjecturably adv. In a conjecturable manner.
CONJECTURABLE adv. susceptible to conjecture.
CONJECTURALLYconjecturally adv. In a conjectural manner.
CONJECTURAL adv. of the nature of or involving or based on conjecture.
JAWBREAKINGLYjawbreakingly adv. In a way that is very difficult to say or pronounce.
JAWBREAKING adv. difficult to pronounce.
JELLYGRAPHINGjellygraphing v. Present participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
PREJUDICIALLYprejudicially adv. In a prejudicial manner.
PREJUDICIAL adv. tending to injure or impair.
EXTRAJUDICIALLYextrajudicially adv. Outside of the legal system.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adv. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.
INTERJACULATORYinterjaculatory adj. Interjaculating.
INTERJACULATORY adj. exclamatory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 207 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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