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There are 13 words containing A, E, 2H, M and W

HAMEWITHHAMEWITH adv. (Scots) homewards.
HENCHWOMANhenchwoman n. Female equivalent of henchman.
HENCHWOMAN n. a female henchman.
HIGHWAYMENhighwaymen n. Plural of highwayman.
HIGHWAYMAN n. a thief who robs travellers on a road.
MOUTHWASHESmouthwashes n. Plural of mouthwash.
mouth␣washes n. Plural of mouth wash.
MOUTHWASH n. an antiseptic solution for cleansing the mouth and for gargling with.
SHAMEWORTHYshameworthy adj. Worthy of shame; shameful.
SHAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of shame.
WHATSHERNAMEwhatshername pron. (Informal) A female person whose name cannot be recalled.
WHATSHERNAME n. a designation for a female whose name one cannot remember, also WHATSERNAME.
WHATSHISNAMEwhatshisname n. (Informal) A person whose name is either unknown or forgotten.
what's-his-name pron. A male person or entity whose name one does not remember or want to mention but that is known to the…
WHATSHISNAME n. a designation for a male whose name one cannot remember, also WHATSISNAME.
NIGHTWATCHMENnightwatchmen n. Plural of nightwatchman.
night-watchmen n. Plural of night-watchman (alternative spelling of night watchmen).
night␣watchmen n. Plural of night watchman.
SCHWARMERISCHSCHWARMERISCH adj. (German) showing schwarmerei, excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
WHATSHERNAMESWHATSHERNAME n. a designation for a female whose name one cannot remember, also WHATSERNAME.
WHATSHISNAMESwhatshisnames n. Plural of whatshisname.
WHATSHISNAME n. a designation for a male whose name one cannot remember, also WHATSISNAME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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