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There are 19 words containing A, E, G, Q, S and T

BANQUETINGSbanquetings n. Plural of banqueting.
BANQUETING n. feasting.
CYBERSQUATTINGcybersquatting n. (Internet) The registration of a well-known brand or company name as an Internet domain name in the…
CYBERSQUATTING n. the practice of registering an internet domain name that is likely to be wanted by another person or organisation.
CYBERSQUATTINGSCYBERSQUATTING n. the practice of registering an internet domain name that is likely to be wanted by another person or organisation.
DESQUAMATINGdesquamating v. Present participle of desquamate.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
GIGANTESQUEgigantesque adj. Very large; like a giant; gigantic.
GIGANTESQUE adj. of enormous or grotesquely large proportions.
QUADRISECTINGquadrisecting v. Present participle of quadrisect.
QUADRISECT v. to divide into four equal parts.
QUAGGIESTquaggiest adj. Superlative form of quaggy: most quaggy.
QUAGGY adj. boggy, like a quagmire.
QUAGMIRIESTQUAGMIRY adj. like a quagmire, boggy.
QUARTERAGESquarterages n. Plural of quarterage.
QUARTERAGE n. a quarterly allowance.
QUARTERBACKINGSQUARTERBACKING n. wisdom after the event, esp. by spectators.
QUARTERINGSquarterings n. Plural of quartering.
QUARTERING n. sailing nearly before the wind.
QUARTERLIGHTSquarterlights n. Plural of quarterlight.
quarter␣lights n. Plural of quarter light.
QUARTERLIGHT n. a small triangular ventilation window in a car.
QUARTERSAWINGquartersawing v. Present participle of quartersaw.
quarter␣sawing v. Present participle of quarter saw.
QUARTERSAW v. to saw (timber) into quarters along two diameters of a log at right angles to each other.
SEQUESTRATINGsequestrating v. Present participle of sequestrate.
SEQUESTRATE v. to confiscate; to set income aside to meet claims.
SQUATTERINGsquattering v. Present participle of squatter.
squattering adj. (Obsolete) Straggling; messy.
SQUATTER v. (dialect) to splash water about, also SWATTER.
SQUETEAGUEsqueteague n. The weakfish, a silvery edible American sciaenoid fish, Cynoscion regalis.
SQUETEAGUE n. (Native American) an American sciaenoid fish, aka weakfish, abundant on the Atlantic coast of the United States.
SQUETEAGUESsqueteagues n. Plural of squeteague.
SQUETEAGUE n. (Native American) an American sciaenoid fish, aka weakfish, abundant on the Atlantic coast of the United States.
TRUQUAGESTRUQUAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUCAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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