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There are 16 words containing A, E, 2F, K and R

RAKEOFFrakeoff n. Alternative form of rake-off.
rake-off n. A percentage of an amount of money taken by a third-party as a bribe, as part of an unlawful enterprise…
rake␣off v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rake off.
BREAKOFFbreakoff n. Discontinuance (act of breaking off).
break-off n. That which breaks off, or is broken off.
break-off n. A break, discontinuance, or interruption.
FREAKFULfreakful adj. (Archaic) Full of whims or caprices.
FREAKFUL adj. quirkily unusual, also FREAKISH, FREAKY.
RAKEOFFSrakeoffs n. Plural of rakeoff.
rake-offs n. Plural of rake-off.
RAKEOFF n. a share of the profits.
BREAKOFFSbreakoffs n. Plural of breakoff.
break-offs n. Plural of break-off.
BREAKOFF n. an act of breaking off or stopping.
MAFFICKERmafficker n. (Dated) One who mafficks, or celebrates boisterously.
MAFFICKER n. one who mafficks, celebrates with boisterous rejoicing.
MAFFICKERSmaffickers n. Plural of mafficker.
MAFFICKER n. one who mafficks, celebrates with boisterous rejoicing.
TRAFFICKEDtrafficked adj. Carrying traffic; subject to traffic.
trafficked v. Simple past tense and past participle of traffic.
trafficked v. Simple past tense and past participle of traffick.
TRAFFICKERtrafficker n. Someone who traffics; a trader or merchant.
TRAFFICKER n. one who traffics.
COFFEEMAKERcoffeemaker n. (Obsolete) A person who makes coffee.
coffeemaker n. Any of several different types of kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee.
coffee-maker n. Alternative spelling of coffeemaker.
FRANKFURTERfrankfurter n. (UK, US, Canada) A moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor, often made from mechanically recovered…
Frankfurter n. A native or inhabitant of Frankfurt, Germany.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
TRAFFICKERStraffickers n. Plural of trafficker.
TRAFFICKER n. one who traffics.
TRAFFICKIERTRAFFICKY adj. busy with traffic.
COFFEEMAKERScoffeemakers n. Plural of coffeemaker.
coffee-makers n. Plural of coffee-maker.
coffee␣makers n. Plural of coffee maker.
FRANKFURTERSfrankfurters n. Plural of frankfurter.
Frankfurters n. Plural of Frankfurter.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
TRAFFICKIESTTRAFFICKY adj. busy with traffic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 350 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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