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There are 19 words containing A, 2E, G, U and W

AGUEWEEDagueweed n. An herb also known as common boneset.
AGUEWEED n. a North American plant of the gentian family, having clusters of pale blue-violet or white flowers.
AGUEWEEDSagueweeds n. Plural of agueweed.
AGUEWEED n. a North American plant of the gentian family, having clusters of pale blue-violet or white flowers.
WAVEGUIDEwaveguide n. A structure which guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves, light, or sound waves.
waveguide v. To act as a waveguide for.
WAVEGUIDE n. in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.
LOUNGEWEARloungewear n. Loose clothing in which one can lounge.
LOUNGEWEAR n. informal clothing designed to be worn at home.
UNWEDGABLEUNWEDGABLE adj. (Shakespeare) that cannot be split into wedges, also UNWEDGEABLE.
WAVEGUIDESwaveguides n. Plural of waveguide.
WAVEGUIDE n. in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.
LOUNGEWEARSLOUNGEWEAR n. informal clothing designed to be worn at home.
UNWEDGEABLEunwedgeable adj. That cannot be split, as with a wedge.
UNWEDGEABLE adj. that cannot be split into wedges, also UNWEDGABLE.
MANGELWURZELmangelwurzel n. A root vegetable, variety of Beta vulgaris, cultivated chiefly as cattle feed.
mangel-wurzel n. Alternative spelling of mangelwurzel.
MANGELWURZEL n. a kind of root vegetable, also MANGOLDWURZEL.
MANGELWURZELSmangelwurzels n. Plural of mangelwurzel.
mangel-wurzels n. Plural of mangel-wurzel.
MANGELWURZEL n. a kind of root vegetable, also MANGOLDWURZEL.
TURANGAWAEWAEturangawaewae n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, one’s own land; a place to live in.
TURANGAWAEWAE n. (Maori) the area that is a person's home.
BRAUNSCHWEIGERbraunschweiger n. Alternative letter-case form of Braunschweiger (a sausage).
Braunschweiger adj. Pertaining to the city of Braunschweig in Germany.
Braunschweiger n. A native or inhabitant of the city of Braunschweig in Germany.
GEWURZTRAMINERGewürztraminer n. (Uncountable) An aromatic white wine grape variety that grows best in cooler climates.
Gewürztraminer n. (Countable) A wine made from this grape.
GEWURZTRAMINER n. (German) a variety of Traminer grape grown esp. in the Rhine valley, Alsace, and Austria; the mildly spicy white wine made from this grape.
TURANGAWAEWAESTURANGAWAEWAE n. (Maori) the area that is a person's home.
UNACKNOWLEDGEDunacknowledged adj. Not acknowledged.
UNACKNOWLEDGED adj. not acknowledged.
BRAUNSCHWEIGERSBraunschweigers n. Plural of Braunschweiger.
BRAUNSCHWEIGER n. (German) smoked liverwurst.
GEWURZTRAMINERSGewürztraminers n. Plural of Gewürztraminer.
GEWURZTRAMINER n. (German) a variety of Traminer grape grown esp. in the Rhine valley, Alsace, and Austria; the mildly spicy white wine made from this grape.
MULTIWAVELENGTHmultiwavelength adj. Involving, or composed of, multiple wavelengths.
multi-wavelength adj. Alternative spelling of multiwavelength.
MULTIWAVELENGTH adj. extending over many wavelengths.
UNKNOWLEDGEABLEunknowledgeable adj. Lacking knowledge, ignorant, naive, or foolish.
UNKNOWLEDGEABLE adj. not knowledgeable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 466 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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