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There are 20 words containing A, D, 2I, K and M

DAMASKININGdamaskining v. Present participle of damaskin.
DAMASKIN v. to decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns, also DAMASCEENE, DAMASCENE, DAMASKEEN, DAMASQUIN.
DISEMBARKATIONdisembarkation n. The act of disembarking.
DISEMBARKATION n. the act of disembarking.
DISEMBARKATIONSdisembarkations n. Plural of disembarkation.
DISEMBARKATION n. the act of disembarking.
DISEMBARKINGdisembarking v. Present participle of disembark.
disembarking n. A disembarkation.
DISEMBARK v. to leave a ship, to land.
DISMASKINGdismasking v. Present participle of dismask.
DISMASK v. to divest of a mask.
KADDISHIMkaddishim n. Plural of kaddish.
Kaddishim n. Plural of Kaddish.
KADDISH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer.
KITCHENMAIDkitchenmaid n. (Archaic) A woman employed in a kitchen.
KITCHENMAID n. a maid who works in the kitchen.
KITCHENMAIDSkitchenmaids n. Plural of kitchenmaid.
KITCHENMAID n. a maid who works in the kitchen.
MACROPINAKOIDMACROPINAKOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINACOID.
MACROPINAKOIDSMACROPINAKOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINACOID.
MAIDENLIKEmaidenlike adj. Like a maiden; gentle, demure.
MAIDENLIKE adj. like a maiden; modest; coy.
MEDIVACKINGmedivacking v. Present participle of medivac.
MEDIVAC v. to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter, also MEDEVAC.
MILKMAIDmilkmaid n. (Historical) A girl or young woman who milks the cows on a farm.
MILKMAID n. a woman who milks cows.
MILKMAIDSmilkmaids n. Plural of milkmaid.
MILKMAID n. a woman who milks cows.
NIKETHAMIDEnikethamide n. A stimulant which mainly affects the respiratory cycle.
NIKETHAMIDE n. a drug used as a heart stimulant, aka coramine.
NIKETHAMIDESNIKETHAMIDE n. a drug used as a heart stimulant, aka coramine.
SKIMBOARDINGskimboarding n. A form of surfing in shallow water near a beach.
SKIMBOARD v. to use a skimboard.
TSADDIKIMtsaddikim n. Plural of tsaddik.
TSADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK, ZADDIK.
TZADDIKIMtzaddikim n. Plural of tzaddik.
TZADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIK, TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK, ZADDIK.
ZADDIKIMzaddikim n. Plural of zaddik.
ZADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIK, TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 553 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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