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There are 14 words containing A, D, G, 2I and X

ADMIXINGadmixing v. Present participle of admix.
ADMIX v. to mix.
DEOXIDATINGdeoxidating v. Present participle of deoxidate.
DEOXIDATE v. to deoxidize.
DESEXUALISINGdesexualising v. Present participle of desexualise.
DESEXUALISE v. to deprive of sexual characters or power, also DESEXUALIZE.
DESEXUALIZINGdesexualizing v. Present participle of desexualize.
DESEXUALIZE v. to deprive of sexual characters or power, also DESEXUALISE.
DETOXICATINGdetoxicating v. Present participle of detoxicate.
DETOXICATE v. to rid of a poison or the effects of it.
DISANNEXINGdisannexing v. Present participle of disannex.
DISANNEX v. to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
DISINTOXICATINGdisintoxicating v. Present participle of disintoxicate.
DISINTOXICATE v. to detoxify.
EXPEDITATINGexpeditating v. Present participle of expeditate.
EXPEDITATE v. to deprive of the ball of the foot or the claws.
EXTRADITINGextraditing v. Present participle of extradite.
EXTRADITE v. to deliver up by one government to another, as a fugitive from justice.
OXIDATINGoxidating v. Present participle of oxidate.
OXIDATE v. to combine with oxygen, also OXIDISE, OXIDIZE.
TAXIDERMIZINGtaxidermizing v. Present participle of taxidermize.
TAXIDERMIZE v. to practise taxidermy, also TAXIDERMISE.
XENODIAGNOSISxenodiagnosis n. (Medicine) diagnosis of an infectious disease (especially of trypanosomiasis) by exposure to a vector…
XENODIAGNOSIS n. the detection of a parasite (as of humans) by feeding a suitable intermediate host (as an insect) on supposedly infected material (as blood) and later examining the host for the parasite.
XENODIAGNOSTICxenodiagnostic adj. Of or pertaining to xenodiagnosis.
XENODIAGNOSTIC adj. relating to xenodiagnosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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