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There are 16 words containing A, D, 2E, J and L

JADELIKEjadelike adj. Resembling jade (the precious stone).
JADELIKE adj. like jade.
JAVELINEDjavelined v. Simple past tense and past participle of javelin.
JAVELIN v. to pierce with a light spear.
JEALOUSEDjealoused v. Simple past tense and past participle of jealouse.
JEALOUSE v. (Scots) to suspect, also JALOUSE.
JUDGEABLEjudgeable adj. Capable of being judged.
JUDGEABLE adj. able to be judged.
EJACULATEDejaculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ejaculate.
EJACULATE v. to exclaim, to eject.
JOLTERHEADjolterhead n. Alternative form of jolthead.
jolter␣head n. A large, clumsy head; a blockhead; a dunce.
JOLTERHEAD n. (archaic) a clumsy oaf, a blockhead, also JOLTHEAD.
ADJECTIVELYadjectively adv. As an adjective; adjectivally.
ADJECTIVE adv. added, dependent.
JOLTERHEADSjolterheads n. Plural of jolterhead.
JOLTERHEAD n. (archaic) a clumsy oaf, a blockhead, also JOLTHEAD.
JUDGEMENTALjudgemental adj. Alternative spelling of judgmental.
JUDGEMENTAL adj. giving to making judgements, also JUDGMENTAL.
JELLYGRAPHEDjellygraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
READJUSTABLEreadjustable adj. Capable of being readjusted.
READJUSTABLE adj. that can be readjusted.
JUDGEMENTALLYjudgementally adv. Alternative form of judgmentally.
JUDGEMENTAL adv. giving to making judgements, also JUDGMENTAL.
INTERJACULATEDinterjaculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of interjaculate.
INTERJACULATE v. to ejaculate in interruption.
NONJUDGEMENTALnonjudgemental adj. Alternative spelling of nonjudgmental.
non-judgemental adj. Alternative form of nonjudgemental.
NONJUDGEMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGMENTAL.
MIDDELMANNETJIEmiddelmannetjie n. (South Africa) A ridge between ruts made by wheels in a dirt or gravel road.
MIDDELMANNETJIE n. (South African) a ridge between the ruts made by wheels in a dirt road.
PREJUDICIALNESSprejudicialness n. The quality of being prejudicial.
PREJUDICIAL n. tending to injure or impair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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