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There are 18 words containing A, C, R, S and 2V

CLOVERLEAVEScloverleaves n. Plural of cloverleaf.
CLOVERLEAF n. the pattern made by a leaf of clover.
CONSERVATIVEconservative n. A person who favors maintenance of the status quo.
conservative adj. Cautious, moderate.
conservative adj. Tending to resist change or innovation.
CONSERVATIVELYconservatively adv. In a conservative manner.
CONSERVATIVE adv. tending to conserve.
CONSERVATIVESconservatives n. Plural of conservative.
Conservatives n. (Politics) plural of Conservative.
Conservatives prop.n. (UK politics) The Conservative Party.
CONVERSATIVEconversative adj. (Dated) Relating to conversation with others; social.
conversative adj. (Dated) Chatty; inclined to talk.
CONVERSATIVE adj. ready to talk.
IMPROVVISATRICEimprovvisatrice n. Alternative form of improvisatrice.
IMPROVVISATRICE n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRIX.
NEOCONSERVATIVEneoconservative n. (US) A supporter of neoconservatism.
neoconservative adj. (US) Of or relating to neoconservatism.
neo-conservative adj. Alternative spelling of neoconservative.
NONCONSERVATIVEnonconservative adj. Not conservative.
nonconservative n. A person who is not a conservative.
NONCONSERVATIVE adj. not conservative.
OVERACHIEVERSoverachievers n. Plural of overachiever.
over-achievers n. Plural of over-achiever.
OVERACHIEVER n. one who achieves success over and above the standard or expected level esp. at an early age.
OVERACHIEVESoverachieves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overachieve.
OVERACHIEVE v. to achieve to excess.
OVERACTIVITIESoveractivities n. Plural of overactivity.
OVERACTIVITY n. excessive activity.
PROVOCATIVENESSprovocativeness n. The quality of being provocative; provocative behaviour.
PROVOCATIVENESS n. the state of being provocative.
PROVOCATIVESprovocatives n. Plural of provocative.
PROVOCATIVE n. something that provokes.
REVIVALISTICrevivalistic adj. Revivalist.
REVIVALISTIC adj. relating to revivalism, the spirit or methods characteristic of religious revivals.
REVIVIFICATIONSrevivifications n. Plural of revivification.
REVIVIFICATION n. the act of revivifying.
SURVIVANCEsurvivance n. (Now rare) Survival.
survivance n. Succession to an estate, office etc. of someone who survives the previous holder, as nominated by them; survivorship.
survivance n. (Canada) The survival of Francophone culture in the face of Anglo-American hegemony.
SURVIVANCESsurvivances n. Plural of survivance.
SURVIVANCE n. survival; the succession or right to succeed on surviving the present holder.
VIVISECTORIAvivisectoria n. Plural of vivisectorium.
VIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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