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There are 17 words containing A, C, K, 2O and Y

BACKWOODSYbackwoodsy adj. (US) Typical of something or someone from the backwoods.
BACKWOODSY adj. uncouth, rustic.
COCKNEYFICATIONcockneyfication n. The use of cockney words or mannerisms, especially by non-cockneys.
COCKNEYFICATION n. the process of cockneyfying.
CRYOPLANKTONCRYOPLANKTON n. minute organisms, esp. algae, living in ice, snow, or icy water.
CRYOPLANKTONSCRYOPLANKTON n. minute organisms, esp. algae, living in ice, snow, or icy water.
GLYCOALKALOIDglycoalkaloid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of alkaloid glycosides, most of which are poisonous.
GLYCOALKALOIDSglycoalkaloids n. Plural of glycoalkaloid.
HETEROKARYOTICheterokaryotic adj. Relating to heterokaryosis or to heterokaryons.
HETEROKARYOTIC adj. relating to heterokaryosis.
KARYOLOGICkaryologic adj. Relating to karyology.
KARYOLOGIC adj. relating to karyology, the study of cell nuclei, also KARYOLOGICAL.
KARYOLOGICALkaryological adj. Karyologic.
KARYOLOGICAL adj. relating to karyology, the study of cell nuclei, also KARYOLOGIC.
LEUKOCYTOPENIAleukocytopenia n. (Medicine) Leukopenia.
LEUKOCYTOPENIA n. a decrease in the number of leucocytes in blood.
LEUKOCYTOPENIASleukocytopenias n. Plural of leukocytopenia.
LEUKOCYTOPENIA n. a decrease in the number of leucocytes in blood.
PASTRYCOOKpastrycook n. A cook who makes desserts and pastries.
pastry␣cook n. Synonym of pastry chef.
PASTRYCOOK n. a maker or seller of pastry.
PASTRYCOOKSpastrycooks n. Plural of pastrycook.
pastry␣cooks n. Plural of pastry cook.
PASTRYCOOK n. a maker or seller of pastry.
PHYTOPLANKTONICphytoplanktonic adj. Pertaining to, or derived from, phytoplankton.
PHYTOPLANKTONIC adj. relating to phytoplankton.
PROKARYOTICprokaryotic adj. Of or having the characteristics of prokaryotes, especially bacteria.
prokaryotic adj. Of cells, lacking a nucleus.
PROKARYOTIC adj. of or like a prokaryote.
WOOLLYBACKwoollyback n. Alternative form of woolly back.
woolly␣back n. (Liverpudlian slang, now historical) A non-Liverpudlian person who travels to Liverpool, especially…
woolly␣back n. (Liverpudlian slang, derogatory) A person from the area surrounding Liverpool such as Skelmersdale…
WOOLLYBACKSwoollybacks n. Plural of woollyback.
woolly␣backs n. Plural of woolly back.
WOOLLYBACK n. (colloquial) a country bumpkin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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