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There are 16 words containing A, C, 2I, R and W

WINGCHAIRwingchair n. Alternative form of wing chair.
wing␣chair n. A chair with a high back from which project small side pieces, originally to protect from draught.
WINGCHAIR n. a chair with forward projections from the back.
WINGCHAIRSwingchairs n. Plural of wingchair.
wing␣chairs n. Plural of wing chair.
WINGCHAIR n. a chair with forward projections from the back.
CRAWFISHINGcrawfishing v. Present participle of crawfish.
crawfishing n. Fishing for crawfish.
CRAWFISH v. to retreat or back out.
JINRICKSHAWjinrickshaw n. Alternative form of jinriksha.
JINRICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
MICROWAVINGmicrowaving v. Present participle of microwave.
MICROWAVE v. to cook by microwave.
WELFARISTICwelfaristic adj. Supporting or relating to welfarism.
WELFARISTIC adj. relating to welfarism.
BIRDWATCHINGbirdwatching n. Observing or identifying wild birds in their natural environment.
birdwatching n. (Slang) The hobby of watching rocket launches.
bird␣watching n. Alternative spelling of birdwatching.
CARRIWITCHETcarriwitchet n. (Rare) An absurd question; a quibble; a conundrum; a pun; a piece of jocularity or facetiousness.
CARRIWITCHET n. (Scots) a teasing quibble; a quip.
CONTRARIWISEcontrariwise adv. (Literary) in the contrary or opposite way, order, or direction.
contrariwise adv. (Literary) on the other hand.
CONTRARIWISE adj. on the contrary.
JINRICKSHAWSjinrickshaws n. Plural of jinrickshaw.
JINRICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
SCRIMSHAWINGscrimshawing v. Present participle of scrimshaw.
SCRIMSHAW v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDER, SCRIMSHANDY.
WISECRACKINGwisecracking adj. Making many wisecracks.
wisecracking v. Present participle of wisecrack.
wise-cracking adj. Alternative form of wisecracking.
BIRDWATCHINGSBIRDWATCHING n. the occupation of watching birds.
CARRIWITCHETScarriwitchets n. Plural of carriwitchet.
CARRIWITCHET n. (Scots) a teasing quibble; a quip.
CORDWAINERIESCORDWAINERY n. (archaic) the craft of shoemaking.
STRAITWAISTCOATstraitwaistcoat n. (Now rare) A straitjacket.
STRAITWAISTCOAT n. a straitjacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 871 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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