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There are 18 words containing A, C, H, L, U and V

VEHICULARvehicular adj. Of or pertaining to a vehicle or vehicles, usually specifically cars and trucks.
vehicular adj. Of or pertaining to a language that is used as a contact language between two groups who do not share…
VEHICULAR adj. of or pertaining to a vehicle.
AVOUCHABLEavouchable adj. Capable of being avouched.
AVOUCHABLE adj. (archaic) capable of being avouched.
CHIVALROUSchivalrous adj. (Of a man) Honourable, especially to women; gallant.
chivalrous adj. Involving chivalry.
CHIVALROUS adj. gentlemanly, valiant.
OVERLAUNCHoverlaunch v. (Shipbuilding, transitive) To run the butts or scarphs of planks or pieces of timber to a certain distance…
OVERLAUNCH v. in shipbuilding, to join by long splices or scarfs.
CHELUVIATIONcheluviation n. Eluviation caused by the chelating action of acids in the environment.
CHELUVIATION n. the leaching of iron and aluminium oxides from soils, esp. those planted with conifers and heaths.
CHIVALRESQUEchivalresque adj. Characteristic of chivalry.
CHIVALRESQUE adj. relating to or connected with chivalry.
CHIVALROUSLYchivalrously adv. In a chivalrous manner.
CHIVALROUS adv. gentlemanly, valiant.
OVERLAUNCHEDoverlaunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlaunch.
OVERLAUNCH v. in shipbuilding, to join by long splices or scarfs.
OVERLAUNCHESoverlaunches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overlaunch.
OVERLAUNCH v. in shipbuilding, to join by long splices or scarfs.
UNACHIEVABLEunachievable adj. That cannot be achieved (or only with great difficulty).
UNACHIEVABLE adj. that cannot be achieved.
UNCHIVALROUSunchivalrous adj. Not chivalrous.
UNCHIVALROUS adj. not chivalrous.
CHELUVIATIONSCHELUVIATION n. the leaching of iron and aluminium oxides from soils, esp. those planted with conifers and heaths.
HALLUCINATIVEhallucinative adj. Relating to hallucination; hallucinatory.
HALLUCINATIVE adj. tending to produce hallucination, also HALLUCINATORY.
OVERLAUNCHINGoverlaunching v. Present participle of overlaunch.
OVERLAUNCH v. in shipbuilding, to join by long splices or scarfs.
CHIVALROUSNESSchivalrousness n. The state of being chivalrous.
CHIVALROUS n. gentlemanly, valiant.
CLAVICYTHERIUMclavicytherium n. (Music) A harpsichord in which the soundboard and strings are mounted vertically facing the player.
CLAVICYTHERIUM n. a harpsichord-like musical instrument.
EXTRAVEHICULARextravehicular adj. Relating to, on happening in, the space outside a vehicle, especially a spacecraft in space.
extra-vehicular adj. Alternative spelling of extravehicular.
EXTRAVEHICULAR adj. taking place outside a vehicle (as a spacecraft).
UNCHIVALROUSLYunchivalrously adv. In an unchivalrous manner; without chivalry.
UNCHIVALROUS adv. not chivalrous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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