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There are 20 words containing A, C, 2H, I and W

HAWFINCHhawfinch n. A large Eurasian finch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), with a thick bill.
HAWFINCH n. a Eurasian finch.
WHINCHATwhinchat n. A small Old World songbird, Saxicola rubetra, that feeds on insects.
WHINCHAT n. a small brown and buff songbird.
COACHWHIPcoachwhip n. A long whip used by the driver of a horse-drawn coach.
coachwhip n. Masticophis flagellum, a colubrid snake of North America.
coachwhip n. Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo).
WHINCHATSwhinchats n. Plural of whinchat.
WHINCHAT n. a small brown and buff songbird.
CHAINWHEELchainwheel n. Synonym of chainring (“bicycle part”).
CHAINWHEEL n. a toothed wheel, as on a bicycle, which meshes with a chain.
COACHWHIPScoachwhips n. Plural of coachwhip.
COACHWHIP n. a large, slender, harmless snake of the southern United States.
HAWFINCHEShawfinches n. Plural of hawfinch.
HAWFINCH n. a Eurasian finch.
WHEELCHAIRwheelchair n. A chair mounted on large wheels for the transportation or use of a sick or disabled person.
wheelchair n. (Attributive) Designed for use by wheelchairbound people.
wheelchair n. (By extension) Any device involving wheels designed to assist a non-human animal with locomotion.
CATCHWEIGHTcatchweight adv. (Horse racing) Without any weight restrictions; without being handicapped.
catchweight adj. (Sports) Without any weight restrictions; having no handicap.
catchweight adj. Having no standard weight, but rather having weight determined when packaged for sale or shipping.
CHAINWHEELSchainwheels n. Plural of chainwheel.
CHAINWHEEL n. a toothed wheel, as on a bicycle, which meshes with a chain.
WHEELCHAIRSwheelchairs n. Plural of wheelchair.
WHEELCHAIR n. a chair mounted on wheels esp. for the use of disabled persons.
BUSHWHACKINGbushwhacking n. Travelling through thick wooded country, cutting away scrub to make progress.
bushwhacking n. Fighting, as a guerilla, especially in wooded country.
bushwhacking n. Criticizing, by someone or a person(s), on policies and stances by George W. Bush, in forums and discussions.
BUSHWHACKINGSbushwhackings n. Plural of bushwhacking.
BUSHWHACKING n. the act of shooting someone from ambush.
CRASHWORTHIERCRASHWORTHY adj. resistant to the effects of collision.
NIGHTWATCHMANnightwatchman n. Someone who guards a premises at night.
nightwatchman n. (Cricket) A batsman who is sent in to bat higher than his usual position near the end of a day’s play…
night-watchman n. Alternative spelling of night watchman.
NIGHTWATCHMENnightwatchmen n. Plural of nightwatchman.
night-watchmen n. Plural of night-watchman (alternative spelling of night watchmen).
night␣watchmen n. Plural of night watchman.
SCHWARMERISCHSCHWARMERISCH adj. (German) showing schwarmerei, excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
CRASHWORTHIESTCRASHWORTHY adj. resistant to the effects of collision.
CRASHWORTHINESScrashworthiness n. The state or quality of being crashworthy.
CRASHWORTHINESS n. the state of being crashworthy.
WHATCHAMACALLITwhatchamacallit n. (Slang) A metasyntactic term used for any object whose actual name the speaker does not know or cannot…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 518 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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