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There are 17 words containing A, C, E, N, V and X

EXCAVATINGexcavating v. Present participle of excavate.
EXCAVATE v. to dig out.
EXCAVATIONexcavation n. (Uncountable) The act of excavating, or of making hollow, by cutting, scooping, or digging out a part of a solid mass.
excavation n. (Countable) A cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping.
excavation n. (Countable) An uncovered cutting in the earth, in distinction from a covered cutting or tunnel.
EXCAVATIONSexcavations n. Plural of excavation.
EXCAVATION n. the act of excavating.
PLANOCONVEXplanoconvex adj. (Optics, of a lens) Having one side plane and the other convex.
plano-convex adj. Flat or plane on one side and rounded on the other, such that the center is thicker than the edges.
PLANOCONVEX adj. of a lens, part of an animal or plant, etc.: having one surface plane and the opposite one convex.
UNEXCAVATEDunexcavated adj. Not excavated.
UNEXCAVATED adj. not excavated.
CONSERVATRIXconservatrix n. A female conservator.
CONSERVATRIX n. a female conservator.
EXCAVATIONALexcavational adj. Relating to excavation.
EXCAVATIONAL adj. relating to excavation.
EXTRAVAGANCEextravagance n. Excessive or superfluous expenditure of money.
extravagance n. Prodigality, as of anger, love, expression, imagination, or demands.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRAVAGANCYextravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) The characteristic of being extravagant.
extravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) A thing that is extravagant.
EXTRAVAGANCY n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCE.
INTOXICATIVEintoxicative adj. Relating to, or causing intoxication.
INTOXICATIVE adj. serving to intoxicate.
EXTRAVAGANCESextravagances n. Plural of extravagance.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRAVAGANCIESextravagancies n. Plural of extravagancy.
EXTRAVAGANCY n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCE.
OVEREXTRACTIONoverextraction n. An excessive extraction.
OVEREXTRACTION n. excessive extraction.
EXCOMMUNICATIVEexcommunicative adj. Relating to excommunication.
EXCOMMUNICATIVE adj. relating to excommunication.
OVEREXPECTATIONoverexpectation n. An excessively high expectation.
OVEREXPECTATION n. excessive expectation.
OVEREXTRACTIONSoverextractions n. Plural of overextraction.
OVEREXTRACTION n. excessive extraction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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