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There are 20 words containing A, C, E, J, L and Y

ABJECTLYabjectly adv. In an abject fashion; with great shame; desperately.
ABJECT adv. humble; miserable; craven.
CAJOLERYcajolery n. Cajolement.
CAJOLERY n. persuasion by flattery.
ADJACENTLYadjacently adv. In such a way as to be adjacent.
ADJACENT adv. next to.
ADJECTIVELYadjectively adv. As an adjective; adjectivally.
ADJECTIVE adv. added, dependent.
CONJUGATELYconjugately adv. In a conjugate manner.
CONJUGATE adv. joined, connected.
EJACULATORYejaculatory adj. Of or pertaining to ejaculation.
ejaculatory adj. Of speech, exclamatory.
EJACULATORY adj. marked by or given to vocal ejaculation.
SUBJACENTLYsubjacently adv. In a subjacent manner or orientation.
SUBJACENT adv. lying under or below something.
ADJECTIVALLYadjectivally adv. As, or in the manner of, an adjective.
ADJECTIVAL adv. using many adjectives.
ADJUNCTIVELYadjunctively adv. In an adjunctive way.
ADJUNCTIVE adv. joining; forming an adjunct.
MAJESTICALLYmajestically adv. In a majestic manner.
MAJESTICAL adv. having majesty, also MAJESTIC.
YELLOWJACKETyellowjacket n. Alternative form of yellow jacket (“predatory wasp with alternating black and yellow stripes around the abdomen”).
yellow-jacket n. Alternative form of yellow jacket.
yellow␣jacket n. (Chiefly US) A predatory wasp with alternating black and yellow stripes around the abdomen, usually…
CONJECTURABLYconjecturably adv. In a conjecturable manner.
CONJECTURABLE adv. susceptible to conjecture.
CONJECTURALLYconjecturally adv. In a conjectural manner.
CONJECTURAL adv. of the nature of or involving or based on conjecture.
OBJECTIONABLYobjectionably adv. In an objectionable manner.
OBJECTIONABLE adv. undesirable, offensive.
PREJUDICIALLYprejudicially adv. In a prejudicial manner.
PREJUDICIAL adv. tending to injure or impair.
YELLOWJACKETSyellowjackets n. Plural of yellowjacket.
yellow-jackets n. Plural of yellow-jacket.
yellow␣jackets n. Plural of yellow jacket.
SUBJECTABILITYsubjectability n. The quality of being subjectable.
SUBJECTABILITY n. the quality of being subjectable.
EXTRAJUDICIALLYextrajudicially adv. Outside of the legal system.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adv. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.
INTERJACULATORYinterjaculatory adj. Interjaculating.
INTERJACULATORY adj. exclamatory.
UNOBJECTIONABLYunobjectionably adv. In a way that is not objectionable.
UNOBJECTIONABLE adv. not objectionable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 165 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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