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There are 20 words containing A, C, 2E, U and W

CAUSEWAYEDcausewayed adj. Having a causeway.
CAUSEWAY v. to build a raised roadway over.
COURSEWAREcourseware n. (Computing) Educational material, such as software or documents, in computerized form.
COURSEWARE n. computer software associated with educational courses.
CRUISEWEARcruisewear n. Light clothing suitable for a pleasure cruise.
CRUISEWEAR n. clothing suitable for a leisure cruise.
UNCHEWABLEunchewable adj. That cannot be chewed.
unchewable n. Something that cannot be chewed.
UNCHEWABLE adj. not chewable.
CATERWAULEDcaterwauled v. Simple past tense and past participle of caterwaul.
CATERWAUL v. to make a harsh cry.
CATERWAULERcaterwauler n. One who caterwauls.
CATERWAULER n. one who caterwauls.
COURSEWAREScoursewares n. Plural of courseware.
COURSEWARE n. computer software associated with educational courses.
CRUISEWEARSCRUISEWEAR n. clothing suitable for a leisure cruise.
LACQUERWARElacquerware n. Decorative items coated with lacquer.
lacquer-ware n. Alternative form of lacquerware.
LACQUERWARE n. craft goods made from lacquer.
WATERCOURSEwatercourse n. Any channel, either natural or artificial, through which water flows.
WATERCOURSE n. a natural or artificial channel through which water flows.
CATERWAULERScaterwaulers n. Plural of caterwauler.
CATERWAULER n. one who caterwauls.
LACQUERWARESlacquerwares n. Plural of lacquerware.
LACQUERWARE n. craft goods made from lacquer.
WATERCOURSESwatercourses n. Plural of watercourse.
WATERCOURSE n. a natural or artificial channel through which water flows.
CAULIFLOWERETcaulifloweret n. A single floret of cauliflower.
CAULIFLOWERET n. a bitesize piece of cauliflower.
AMBULANCEWOMENambulancewomen n. Plural of ambulancewoman.
AMBULANCEWOMAN n. a woman who drives an ambulance.
BRAUNSCHWEIGERbraunschweiger n. Alternative letter-case form of Braunschweiger (a sausage).
Braunschweiger adj. Pertaining to the city of Braunschweig in Germany.
Braunschweiger n. A native or inhabitant of the city of Braunschweig in Germany.
CAULIFLOWERETScauliflowerets n. Plural of caulifloweret.
CAULIFLOWERET n. a bitesize piece of cauliflower.
UNACKNOWLEDGEDunacknowledged adj. Not acknowledged.
UNACKNOWLEDGED adj. not acknowledged.
WATCHFULNESSESwatchfulnesses n. Plural of watchfulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.
BRAUNSCHWEIGERSBraunschweigers n. Plural of Braunschweiger.
BRAUNSCHWEIGER n. (German) smoked liverwurst.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 569 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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