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There are 18 words containing A, 2C, E, G and V

CASEVACINGCASEVAC v. to evacuate a battlefield casualty, normally by helicopter.
CERVICOGRAPHIESCERVICOGRAPHY n. the photographing of the neck of the womb to identify early signs of cancer.
CERVICOGRAPHYcervicography n. A diagnostic medical procedure in which pictures are taken of the dilation of the cervix in the early…
CERVICOGRAPHY n. the photographing of the neck of the womb to identify early signs of cancer.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLEcircumnavigable adj. Able to be circumnavigated.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLE adj. able to be circumnavigated.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEcircumnavigate v. (Transitive) To travel completely around somewhere or something, especially by sail.
circumnavigate v. (Transitive) To circumvent or bypass.
circumnavigate v. (Intransitive, sailing) To sail around the world.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEDcircumnavigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEScircumnavigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
COACERVATINGCOACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
CONVALESCINGconvalescing v. Present participle of convalesce.
CONVALESCE v. to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness.
CONVEYANCINGconveyancing n. (Law) The drawing of deeds etc. concerning transfer of property, and the legal execution of such transfers.
conveyancing v. Present participle of conveyance.
CONVEYANCING n. the act or business of drawing deeds.
CONVEYANCINGSconveyancings n. Plural of conveyancing.
CONVEYANCING n. the act or business of drawing deeds.
COSIGNIFICATIVEcosignificative adj. (Rare) Having the same meaning.
COSIGNIFICATIVE adj. having the same signification.
INGRAVESCENCEINGRAVESCENCE n. the state of being ingravescent, becoming more severe.
INGRAVESCENCESINGRAVESCENCE n. the state of being ingravescent, becoming more severe.
OVERCATCHINGovercatching v. Present participle of overcatch.
OVERCATCH v. to overtake.
OVERCOACHINGovercoaching v. Present participle of overcoach.
OVERCOACH v. to coach to excess.
RECONVALESCINGreconvalescing v. Present participle of reconvalesce.
RECONVALESCE v. to convalesce again.
REVACCINATINGrevaccinating v. Present participle of revaccinate.
REVACCINATE v. to vaccinate again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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