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There are 17 words containing A, 3C, I and K

BACKCHECKINGbackchecking v. Present participle of backcheck.
BACKCHECK v. in ice hockey, to return from attack to defence.
BACKSCRATCHINGbackscratching v. Present participle of backscratch.
BACKSCRATCHING n. the act of scratching another's back.
BACKSCRATCHINGSBACKSCRATCHING n. the act of scratching another's back.
CLICKJACKINGclickjacking n. (Computing, web development) A malicious technique whereby part of a webpage is covered by transparent…
CLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
CLICKJACKINGSCLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
COCKATRICEcockatrice n. (Mythology) A legendary creature about the size and shape of a dragon or wyvern, but in appearance resembling…
cockatrice n. (Obsolete) Mistress, harlot.
cockatrice n. (Fantasy, folklore) A snake or serpent that appears to be hatched of a rooster, or cock’s, egg.
COCKATRICEScockatrices n. Plural of cockatrice.
COCKATRICE n. a fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to be fatal.
COCKNEYFICATIONcockneyfication n. The use of cockney words or mannerisms, especially by non-cockneys.
COCKNEYFICATION n. the process of cockneyfying.
COCKNIFICATIONCOCKNIFICATION n. the process of cocknifying.
COCKNIFICATIONSCOCKNIFICATION n. the process of cocknifying.
CONTRACLOCKWISEcontraclockwise adv. Counterclockwise.
contraclockwise adj. Counterclockwise.
CONTRACLOCKWISE adv. anticlockwise.
MICROCRACKmicrocrack n. A microscopic crack.
microcrack v. To cause the formation of microscopic cracks.
MICROCRACK v. to crack microscopically.
MICROCRACKEDmicrocracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of microcrack.
MICROCRACK v. to crack microscopically.
MICROCRACKINGmicrocracking v. Present participle of microcrack.
MICROCRACKING n. microscopic cracking.
MICROCRACKSmicrocracks n. Plural of microcrack.
microcracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microcrack.
MICROCRACK v. to crack microscopically.
SPATCHCOCKINGspatchcocking n. The practice of making spatchcocked fowl, poultry, birds, in food preparation.
spatchcocking v. Present participle of spatchcock.
SPATCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPITCHCOCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 403 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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