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There are 10 words containing A, B, H, T and 2U

BEAUTYBUSHbeauty␣bush n. Linnaea amabilis, a deciduous flowering shrub in the family Caprifoliaceae.
BEAUTYBUSHESbeauty␣bushes n. Plural of beauty bush.
OUTHARBOURoutharbour n. (Canada) In Newfoundland and Labrador, any city, town, or village having a harbour, other than the main…
OUTHARBOURSoutharbours n. Plural of outharbour.
SUBTHERAPEUTICsubtherapeutic adj. (Medicine) Administered at levels lower than would be used in actual treatment of a disease.
SUBTHERAPEUTIC adj. below the dosage levels used to treat diseases.
UNHABITUATEDunhabituated adj. Not habituated.
unhabituated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhabituate.
UNHABITUATED adj. not habituated.
UNSTAUNCHABLEunstaunchable adj. Incapable of being staunched, unstoppable.
UNSTAUNCHABLE adj. not staunchable.
UNTOUCHABILITYuntouchability n. The state or condition of being untouchable.
UNTOUCHABILITY n. the state of being untouchable.
UNTOUCHABLEuntouchable adj. Not able to be touched.
untouchable adj. Not able to be defeated or bested.
untouchable n. A criminal who is so well-connected that they cannot be harmed.
UNTOUCHABLESuntouchables n. Plural of untouchable.
UNTOUCHABLE n. one that is untouchable, esp. a Hindu of very low caste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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