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There are 20 words containing A, B, G, M, N and P

BITMAPPINGbitmapping n. (Computing) The use of bitmaps.
BITMAP v. to produce a bitmap display.
IMPUGNABLEimpugnable adj. That can be impugned; open to (verbal) attack, open to question.
IMPUGNABLE adj. capable of being impugned.
PREAMBLINGpreambling v. Present participle of preamble.
PREAMBLE v. to give an explanatory introduction.
BLASPHEMINGblaspheming v. Present participle of blaspheme.
blaspheming n. An act of blasphemy.
BLASPHEME v. to speak impiously or contemptuously.
IMPREGNABLEimpregnable adj. (Military) Of a fortress or other fortified place: able to withstand all attacks; impenetrable, inconquerable…
impregnable adj. (Figuratively) Too strong to be defeated or overcome; invincible.
impregnable adj. Capable of being impregnated; impregnatable.
IMPREGNABLYimpregnably adv. In an impregnable manner; so as to defy attack.
IMPREGNABLE adv. that cannot be taken by attack.
SUBSAMPLINGsubsampling n. The creation of subsamples.
subsampling n. A subordinate sampling.
SUBSAMPLE v. to create a subsample.
BACKSTAMPINGBACKSTAMP v. to mark with a backstamp.
LAMPBLACKINGlampblacking v. Present participle of lampblack.
LAMPBLACK v. to blacken with lampblack.
PLUMBAGINOUSplumbaginous adj. Alternative spelling of plumbagineous.
PLUMBAGINOUS adj. of or like plumbago, graphite.
UNIMPUGNABLEunimpugnable adj. That cannot be impugned; beyond reproach or attack.
UNIMPUGNABLE adj. not impugnable.
IMPREGNATABLEimpregnatable adj. Which can be impregnated.
IMPREGNATABLE adj. capable of being impregnated.
OBTEMPERATINGobtemperating v. Present participle of obtemperate.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
PERAMBULATINGperambulating v. Present participle of perambulate.
PERAMBULATE v. to walk through, to inspect an area on foot.
PREAMBULATINGpreambulating v. Present participle of preambulate.
PREAMBULATE v. to make a preamble.
IMPREGNABILITYimpregnability n. The quality or state of being impregnable; invincibility.
IMPREGNABILITY n. the state of being impregnable.
PROBLEMATIZINGproblematizing v. Present participle of problematize.
UNPROGRAMMABLEunprogrammable adj. That cannot be programmed.
UNPROGRAMMABLE adj. not programmable.
IMPREGNABLENESSimpregnableness n. The state of being impregnable; impregnability.
IMPREGNABLE n. that cannot be taken by attack.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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