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There are 17 words containing A, B, 2G, I and K

BACKGAMMONINGbackgammoning v. Present participle of backgammon.
BACKGAMMON v. to defeat at the game of backgammon.
BACKGROUNDINGbackgrounding v. Present participle of background.
backgrounding n. The act by which something is backgrounded, in any sense.
backgrounding n. An intermediate stage in cattle production, between weaning and placement in a feedlot, during which…
BACKLIGHTINGbacklighting v. Present participle of backlight.
backlighting n. The illumination of a photographic subject from the rear, causing edges to glow while other areas remain in shadow.
BACKLIGHT v. to illumine a subject from the rear.
BACKLOGGINGbacklogging v. Present participle of backlog.
BACKLOG v. to accumulate.
BLACKGUARDINGblackguarding v. Present participle of blackguard.
BLACKGUARD v. to vituperate; to portray as a scoundrel.
BLACKLEGGINGblacklegging n. The practice of working in place of those who are engaged in a strike.
blacklegging v. Present participle of blackleg.
BLACKLEG v. to work even though a strike has been declared.
BLOGJACKINGBLOGJACKING n. the use of another person's blog without his or her consent, esp. for malicious or satirical purposes.
BLOGJACKINGSBLOGJACKING n. the use of another person's blog without his or her consent, esp. for malicious or satirical purposes.
GAOLBREAKINGGAOLBREAK v. to break out of gaol, also JAILBREAK.
GROUNDBREAKINGgroundbreaking adj. Innovative; new, different; doing something that has never been done before.
groundbreaking n. The point at which construction begins, by digging into the ground.
groundbreaking n. A ceremony to mark the beginning of construction.
GROUNDBREAKINGSgroundbreakings n. Plural of groundbreaking.
GROUNDBREAKING n. the breaking of ground at the beginning of a construction project.
GRUBSTAKINGgrubstaking v. Present participle of grubstake.
GRUBSTAKE v. to provide with funds for an enterprise.
PIGGYBACKpiggyback adj. On somebody’s back or shoulders.
piggyback adj. Pertaining to transportation of goods where one transportation unit is carried on the back of something…
piggyback adj. Attached or appended to something larger or more important.
PIGGYBACKEDpiggybacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of piggyback.
piggy-backed v. Simple past tense and past participle of piggy-back.
PIGGYBACK v. to carry someone on one's back, also PICKABACK, PICKAPACK, PICKBACK.
PIGGYBACKINGpiggybacking v. Present participle of piggyback.
piggybacking n. The practice of carrying something piggyback.
piggy-backing v. Present participle of piggy-back.
PIGGYBACKSpiggybacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of piggyback.
piggybacks n. Plural of piggyback.
piggy-backs n. Plural of piggy-back.
RINGBARKINGringbarking v. Present participle of ringbark.
ring-barking v. Present participle of ring-bark.
RINGBARK v. to strip a ring of bark from a tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 172 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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