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There are 12 words containing A, B, D, R, U and X

AMBIDEXTEROUSambidexterous adj. Misspelling of ambidextrous.
AMBIDEXTEROUS adj. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTROUS.
AMBIDEXTROUSambidextrous adj. Having equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands.
ambidextrous adj. Equally usable by left-handed and right-handed people (as a tool or instrument).
ambidextrous adj. (Archaic) Practising or siding with both parties.
AMBIDEXTROUSLYambidextrously adv. In an ambidextrous manner.
AMBIDEXTROUS adv. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTEROUS.
BORDEAUXbordeaux n. Alternative letter-case form of Bordeaux (“fungicide; wine”).
Bordeaux prop.n. The capital city of the Gironde department, France; capital city of the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Bordeaux n. A wine coming from that area.
BORDEREAUXbordereaux n. Plural of bordereau.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
EXTRUDABILITIESextrudabilities n. Plural of extrudability.
EXTRUDABILITY n. the state of being extrudable.
EXTRUDABILITYextrudability n. The quality or degree of being extrudable.
EXTRUDABILITY n. the state of being extrudable.
EXTRUDABLEextrudable adj. Capable of being extruded.
EXTRUDABLE adj. that can be extruded, also EXTRUSIBLE.
EXUBERATEDexuberated v. Simple past tense and past participle of exuberate.
EXUBERATE v. to be exuberant.
FAUXBOURDONFAUXBOURDON n. (French) a type of improvised polyphony, popular in England from the 15th century to the Reformation, also FABURDEN.
FAUXBOURDONSFAUXBOURDON n. (French) a type of improvised polyphony, popular in England from the 15th century to the Reformation, also FABURDEN.
HYDROXYBUTYRATEhydroxybutyrate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of hydroxybutyric acid, but especially of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
HYDROXYBUTYRATE n. as in gamma hydroxybutyrate, a substance that occurs naturally in the brain, used medically as a sedative but also as a recreational drug and alleged aphrodisiac.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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