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There are 20 words containing A, B, D, 2M and R

EMMARBLEDemmarbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of emmarble.
EMMARBLE v. to adorn with marble.
MEMBRANEDmembraned adj. Having a (specified type of) membrane.
MEMBRANED adj. having a membrane.
BOMBARDMENTbombardment n. The act of bombing, especially towns or cities.
bombardment n. Heavy artillery fire.
bombardment n. (Physics) the incidence of an intense stream of high-energy particles directed at a substance.
CHAMBERMAIDchambermaid n. A maid who handles the chores in a bedroom.
CHAMBERMAID n. a maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms (as in a hotel).
RHABDOMYOMArhabdomyoma n. (Pathology) A non-cancerous tumor of skeletal muscle.
RHABDOMYOMA n. a tumour of striated muscle.
BLAMESTORMEDblamestormed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blamestorm.
BLAMESTORM v. (of colleagues in a business, government, etc.) to meet in order to apportion blame for an error or failure.
BOMBARDMENTSbombardments n. Plural of bombardment.
BOMBARDMENT n. the act of bombarding.
CHAMBERMAIDSchambermaids n. Plural of chambermaid.
CHAMBERMAID n. a maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms (as in a hotel).
DIAGRAMMABLEdiagrammable adj. Capable of being diagrammed.
DIAGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being diagrammed.
RHABDOMYOMASrhabdomyomas n. Plural of rhabdomyoma.
RHABDOMYOMA n. a tumour of striated muscle.
DISEMBARKMENTdisembarkment n. Disembarkation.
DISEMBARKMENT n. the act of disembarking.
RECOMMENDABLErecommendable adj. Capable of being recommended.
RECOMMENDABLE adj. worthy of recommendation.
RECOMMENDABLYrecommendably adv. So as to deserve recommendation.
RECOMMENDABLE adv. worthy of recommendation.
RHABDOMYOMATArhabdomyomata n. Plural of rhabdomyoma.
RHABDOMYOMA n. a tumour of striated muscle.
DISEMBARKMENTSdisembarkments n. Plural of disembarkment.
DISEMBARKMENT n. the act of disembarking.
MULTICHAMBEREDmultichambered adj. Having more than one chamber.
MULTICHAMBERED adj. having many chambers.
PSEUDOMEMBRANEpseudomembrane n. (Medicine, pathology) A layer which resembles a membrane, especially one forming over a mucosal surface.
PSEUDOMEMBRANE n. a false membrane.
CIRCUMAMBULATEDcircumambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumambulate.
CIRCUMAMBULATE v. to circle on foot esp. ritualistically.
PSEUDOMEMBRANESpseudomembranes n. Plural of pseudomembrane.
PSEUDOMEMBRANE n. a false membrane.
UNRECOMMENDABLEunrecommendable adj. Not recommendable.
UNRECOMMENDABLE adj. not recommendable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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