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There are 14 words containing A, B, D, H, N and W

BANDWIDTHbandwidth n. The width, usually measured in hertz, of a frequency band.
bandwidth n. (Of a signal) The width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit.
bandwidth n. (Networking, informal) The rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second; the bitrate.
HANDBLOWNhandblown adj. (Glassmaking) Blown by hand, without the use of machinery.
HANDBLOWN adj. made by glassblowing and moulded by hand.
WATCHBANDwatchband n. A band of leather, metal etc that fastens a wristwatch to the wrist; a watchstrap.
WATCHBAND n. a band on which a watch is worn.
BANDWIDTHSbandwidths n. Plural of bandwidth.
BANDWIDTH n. the width of a band of radio or TV frequencies.
HANDBARROWhandbarrow n. A frame, supported by poles, used for carrying things.
HANDBARROW n. a frame or barrow, without a wheel, carried by hand.
WATCHBANDSwatchbands n. Plural of watchband.
WATCHBAND n. a band on which a watch is worn.
BESHADOWINGbeshadowing v. Present participle of beshadow.
BESHADOW v. to cast a shadow on.
BRAINWASHEDbrainwashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of brainwash.
BRAINWASH v. to indoctrinate.
HANDBARROWShandbarrows n. Plural of handbarrow.
HANDBARROW n. a frame or barrow, without a wheel, carried by hand.
BIRDWATCHINGbirdwatching n. Observing or identifying wild birds in their natural environment.
birdwatching n. (Slang) The hobby of watching rocket launches.
bird␣watching n. Alternative spelling of birdwatching.
SHADOWBOXINGshadowboxing n. A form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent.
shadowboxing v. Present participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxing v. Present participle of shadow-box.
UNSHADOWABLEunshadowable adj. Not shadowable.
UNSHADOWABLE adj. that cannot be shadowed.
BIRDWATCHINGSBIRDWATCHING n. the occupation of watching birds.
WEATHERBOARDINGweatherboarding n. (Architecture) A type of wooden siding in which a house is sided with long, thin, overlapping boards.
WEATHERBOARD v. to fit such a board.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 449 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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