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There are 16 words containing A, B, D, G, U and Y

LADYBUGladybug n. (North America) Synonym of ladybird.
lady-bug n. Alternative spelling of ladybug.
LADYBUG n. a small beetle, also LADYBIRD, LADYCOW, LADYFLY.
LADYBUGSladybugs n. Plural of ladybug.
lady-bugs n. Plural of lady-bug.
LADYBUG n. a small beetle, also LADYBIRD, LADYCOW, LADYFLY.
BODYGUARDbodyguard n. A person or group of persons, often armed, responsible for protecting an individual.
bodyguard v. (Transitive) To act as bodyguard for (someone); figuratively, to protect.
BODYGUARD n. a guard consisting of one person or several people, to give physical protection to someone.
BUDGETARYbudgetary adj. Of or pertaining to a budget.
BUDGETARY adj. relating to a budget.
BODYGUARDSbodyguards n. Plural of bodyguard.
BODYGUARD v. to act as a bodyguard.
ABOUNDINGLYaboundingly adv. In an abounding manner; in a manner that abounds.
aboundingly adv. To an abounding degree.
BODYGUARDEDbodyguarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of bodyguard.
BODYGUARD v. to act as a bodyguard.
BULLYRAGGEDbullyragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullyrag.
BULLYRAG v. to intimidate by bullying.
UNBUDGEABLYunbudgeably adv. So as to be unbudgeable; immovably.
UNBUDGEABLE adv. that cannot be budged.
BLACKGUARDLYblackguardly adj. Characteristic of a blackguard.
BLACKGUARDLY adj. like a blackguard.
BODYGUARDINGbodyguarding n. The profession of a bodyguard, protecting another from harm.
BODYGUARD v. to act as a bodyguard.
UPBRAIDINGLYupbraidingly adv. So as to upbraid; scoldingly.
UPBRAIDING adv. reproachful.
UPGRADABILITYupgradability n. (Computing, of electronic equipment) Capability of being improved in functionality by the addition or…
UPGRADABILITY n. the state of being upgradable.
UPGRADEABILITYupgradeability n. Alternative spelling of upgradability.
UPGRADEABILITY n. the state of being upgradeable, also UPGRADABILITY.
DISTINGUISHABLYdistinguishably adv. In a distinguishable way.
DISTINGUISHABLE adv. capable of being distinguished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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