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There are 15 words containing A, B, C, F, K and R

BACKFIREbackfire v. (Of a gun, cannon, Bunsen burner, etc.) To fire in the opposite direction, for example due to an obstruction…
backfire v. (Of an engine) To experience a premature ignition of fuel or an ignition of exhaust gases, making a popping sound.
backfire v. To fail in a manner that brings down further misfortune.
FIREBACKfireback n. Any of certain species of pheasant in the genus Lophura.
fireback n. A piece of iron that fits into the back of a fireplace to distribute the heat and keep the brick from cracking.
FIREBACK n. a cast-iron plate at the back of a fireplace.
BACKDRAFTbackdraft n. (American spelling, firefighting) Sudden, dangerous recombustion that occurs when there is a rapid reintroduction…
BACKDRAFT n. a reverse movement of air, also BACKDRAUGHT.
BACKFIREDbackfired v. Simple past tense and past participle of backfire.
BACKFIRE v. to go wrong.
BACKFIRESbackfires n. Plural of backfire.
backfires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backfire.
back␣fires n. Plural of back fire.
FABRICKEDfabricked v. Simple past tense and past participle of fabric.
FABRIC v. to construct.
FIREBACKSfirebacks n. Plural of fireback.
FIREBACK n. a cast-iron plate at the back of a fireplace.
FLAREBACKflareback n. A burst of flame emitted from a cannon, furnace, etc. in an abnormal direction.
FLAREBACK n. a flame in the breech of a gun when fired.
BACKDRAFTSbackdrafts n. Plural of backdraft.
BACKDRAFT n. a reverse movement of air, also BACKDRAUGHT.
BACKFIRINGbackfiring v. Present participle of backfire.
backfiring n. A failure that leads to further misfortune.
backfiring n. The occurrence of a backfire.
FABRICKINGfabricking v. Present participle of fabric.
FABRICKING n. the act of fashioning.
FLAREBACKSflarebacks n. Plural of flareback.
FLAREBACK n. a flame in the breech of a gun when fired.
FABRICKINGSFABRICKING n. the act of fashioning.
NEUROFEEDBACKneurofeedback n. The presentation of realtime feedback on brainwave activity, as measured by sensors on the scalp, sometimes…
NEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.
NEUROFEEDBACKSNEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 370 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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