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There are 15 words containing A, 2B, G, L and M

BAMBOOZLINGbamboozling v. Present participle of bamboozle.
BAMBOOZLE v. to deceive by underhanded methods; to frustrate.
BOMBILATINGbombilating v. Present participle of bombilate.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
BORBORYGMALBORBORYGMAL adj. relating to borborygmus, the rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine, also BORBORYGMIC.
BRAMBLINGbrambling n. A finch, Fringilla montifringilla of northern Eurasia, the male having a black head in summer and an…
brambling v. Present participle of bramble.
BRAMBLING n. a bird of the finch family.
BRAMBLINGSbramblings n. Plural of brambling.
BRAMBLING n. a bird of the finch family.
FLASHMOBBINGFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
FLASHMOBBINGSFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
GABBLEMENTgabblement n. Foolish or confused talk; gabble.
GABBLEMENT n. gabbling.
GABBLEMENTSgabblements n. Plural of gabblement.
GABBLEMENT n. gabbling.
HUMBLEBRAGhumblebrag n. An ostensibly self-deprecating statement made to show off.
humblebrag v. To make a humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
HUMBLEBRAGGEDhumblebragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
HUMBLEBRAGGINGhumblebragging v. Present participle of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
HUMBLEBRAGShumblebrags n. Plural of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
HUMBUGGABLEhumbuggable adj. (Dated) Able to be deceived.
HUMBUGGABLE adj. capable of being humbugged.
SUBASSEMBLINGsubassembling n. The making of a subassembly.
SUBASSEMBLE v. to assemble a part of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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