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There are 20 words containing A, 3B, E and I

ABSORBABILITIESabsorbabilities n. Plural of absorbability.
ABSORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.
BABBITRIESBABBITRY n. conventional middle-class attitudes and behavior stressing respectability and material success.
BABBITTEDbabbitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of babbitt.
BABBITT v. to fit with Babbitt metal, a soft antifriction alloy tin.
BABBITTRIESBABBITTRY n. narrow-minded middle-class complacence, also BABBITRY.
BABBLATIVEbabblative adj. (Obsolete) babbling.
BABBLATIVE adj. given to babbling, loquacious.
BABBLIERBABBLY adj. given to babbling, chattery.
BABBLIESTBABBLY adj. given to babbling, chattery.
BEDABBLINGbedabbling v. Present participle of bedabble.
BEDABBLE v. to make wet by dabbling.
BLABBERINGblabbering v. Present participle of blabber.
blabbering n. Foolish or incoherent talk; blather; babble.
BLABBER v. to reveal secrets.
BLABBIERblabbier adj. Comparative form of blabby: more blabby.
BLABBY adj. tending to blab.
BLABBIESTblabbiest adj. Superlative form of blabby: most blabby.
BLABBY adj. tending to blab.
BRIBABLEbribable adj. Susceptible to bribery.
BRIBABLE adj. able to be bribed.
BRIBEABLEbribeable adj. Alternative spelling of bribable.
BRIBEABLE adj. capable of being bribed, also BRIBABLE.
BUSHBABIESbushbabies n. Plural of bushbaby.
bush␣babies n. Plural of bush baby.
BUSHBABY n. a small African tree-living primate with large eyes.
KEBABBINGkebabbing v. Present participle of kebab.
KEBAB v. to skewer, also CABOB, KABAB, KABOB, KEBOB.
RABBITBRUSHESrabbitbrushes n. Plural of rabbitbrush.
RABBITBRUSH n. any of several low branching composite shrubs found in the US, aka chamisa.
RABBITBUSHESSorry, definition not available.
SUBSCRIBABLEsubscribable adj. Capable of being subscribed to; permitting subscription.
SUBSCRIBABLE adj. capable of being subscribed to.
UNBRIBABLEunbribable adj. Who cannot be bribed.
UNBRIBABLE adj. not bribable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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