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There are 12 words containing 2A, 2S and 2V

ADVERSATIVESadversatives n. Plural of adversative.
ADVERSATIVE n. a word or phrase expressing opposition.
ASSEVERATIVEasseverative adj. Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.
ASSEVERATIVE adj. relating to asseveration.
DEVASTAVITSdevastavits n. Plural of devastavit.
DEVASTAVIT n. waste or misapplication of the assets of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator.
PAPOVAVIRUSESpapovaviruses n. Plural of papovavirus.
PAPOVAVIRUS n. any of a group of DNA-containing oncogenic viruses.
VALVASSORvalvassor n. Alternative form of vavasour.
VALVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VAVASOR, VAVASOUR, VAVASSOR.
VALVASSORSvalvassors n. Plural of valvassor.
VALVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VAVASOR, VAVASOUR, VAVASSOR.
VASOACTIVITIESvasoactivities n. Plural of vasoactivity.
VASOACTIVITY n. the state of being vasoactive.
VAVASORIESvavasories n. Plural of vavasory.
VAVASORY n. the tenure or lands of a vavasor.
VAVASORSvavasors n. Plural of vavasor.
VAVASOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VALVASSOR, VAVASOUR, VAVASSOR.
VAVASOURSvavasours n. Plural of vavasour.
VAVASOUR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VALVASSOR, VAVASOR, VAVASSOR.
VAVASSORvavassor n. Alternative form of vavasour.
VAVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VALVASSOR, VAVASOR, VAVASOUR.
VAVASSORSvavassors n. Plural of vavassor.
VAVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VALVASSOR, VAVASOR, VAVASOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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