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There are 12 words containing 2A, 2K, O and R

KARAOKEkaraoke n. (Uncountable) A form of entertainment popular in clubs, at parties, etc, in which individual members…
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke session.
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke parlour.
HOROKAKAHOROKAKA n. (Maori) a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers.
KARAOKESkaraokes n. Plural of karaoke.
KARAOKE n. (Japanese) a type of musical singalong entertainment.
HOROKAKASHOROKAKA n. (Maori) a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers.
KRAKOWIAKkrakowiak n. A lively, syncopated Polish dance in duple time.
KRAKOWIAK n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also CRACOVIENNE.
KOOKABURRAkookaburra n. Any of several species of kingfishers in the genus Dacelo.
KOOKABURRA n. (Native Australian) a large Australian kingfisher, with a call sounds like a raucous laugh, also GOBURRA.
KRAKOWIAKSkrakowiaks n. Plural of krakowiak.
KRAKOWIAK n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also CRACOVIENNE.
MASKIROVKAmaskirovka n. (Military, especially regarding Soviet warfare) A set of procedures designed to confuse, mislead, and…
MASKIROVKA n. (Russian) use of deception or camouflage as military stratagem.
KOOKABURRASkookaburras n. Plural of kookaburra.
KOOKABURRA n. (Native Australian) a large Australian kingfisher, with a call sounds like a raucous laugh, also GOBURRA.
MASKIROVKASMASKIROVKA n. (Russian) use of deception or camouflage as military stratagem.
KAKISTOCRACYkakistocracy n. Government under the control of a nation’s worst or least-qualified citizens.
KAKISTOCRACY n. government by the worst men of the state.
KAKISTOCRACIESkakistocracies n. Plural of kakistocracy.
KAKISTOCRACY n. government by the worst men of the state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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