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There are 20 words containing 2A, J, 2N and T

ANTIHIJACKINGantihijacking adj. Opposing or countering hijacking.
ANTIJACOBINantijacobin n. (Historical) A political opponent of the Jacobins.
ANTIJACOBIN adj. opposed to the Jacobins and to the French Revolution or to democratic principles.
ANTIJACOBIN n. one opposed to the Jacobins.
ANTIJACOBINSantijacobins n. Plural of antijacobin.
ANTIJACOBIN n. one opposed to the Jacobins.
ANTIJAMMINGantijamming adj. Designed to prevent being jammed (communications interference).
antijamming adj. Designed not to jam (become stuck).
ANTIJAMMING n. measures taken to prevent jamming.
ANTIJAMMINGSANTIJAMMING n. measures taken to prevent jamming.
ANTIMARIJUANAantimarijuana adj. Opposed to, or countering, the use of marijuana.
anti-marijuana adj. Alternative form of antimarijuana.
ANTIMARIJUANA adj. opposed to the use of marijuana.
CONJUGATIONALconjugational adj. Of or pertaining to conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adj. conjugate.
CONJUGATIONALLYconjugationally adv. In terms of conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adv. conjugate.
INTERJACULATINGinterjaculating v. Present participle of interjaculate.
INTERJACULATE v. to ejaculate in interruption.
JARGONISATIONjargonisation n. Alternative form of jargonization.
JARGONISATION n. the process of jargonising, also JARGONIZATION.
JARGONISATIONSjargonisations n. Plural of jargonisation.
JARGONISATION n. the process of jargonising, also JARGONIZATION.
JARGONIZATIONjargonization n. The incorporation of jargon into a text or language.
jargonization n. That which has been translated into jargon.
JARGONIZATION n. the process of jargonizing, also JARGONISATION.
JARGONIZATIONSjargonizations n. Plural of jargonization.
JARGONIZATION n. the process of jargonizing, also JARGONISATION.
JOURNALIZATIONjournalization n. (Accounting) The act of recording in a journal.
JOURNALIZATION n. the process of journalizing, also JOURNALISATION.
JOURNALIZATIONSjournalizations n. Plural of journalization.
JOURNALIZATION n. the process of journalizing, also JOURNALISATION.
NEOADJUVANTneoadjuvant adj. (Medicine) Describing an adjuvant preparation given before a course of treatment.
NONADJACENTnonadjacent adj. Not adjacent.
NONADJACENT adj. not adjacent.
UNADJACENTunadjacent adj. Not adjacent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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