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There are 15 words containing 2A, E, Q, S and V

QUACKSALVERquacksalver n. (Archaic) One falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, especially one who dispenses potions…
quack-salver n. Alternative form of quacksalver.
QUACKSALVER n. (archaic) a quack.
DESQUAMATIVEdesquamative adj. Of, relating to, or attended with, desquamation.
DESQUAMATIVE adj. serving to desquamate.
QUACKSALVERSquacksalvers n. Plural of quacksalver.
quack-salvers n. Plural of quack-salver.
QUACKSALVER n. (archaic) a quack.
QUAQUAVERSALquaquaversal adj. Going off in all directions from the center.
quaquaversal adj. (Astronomy) Dipping towards a center in all directions.
QUAQUAVERSAL adj. sloping downward from the center in all directions.
VANQUISHABLEvanquishable adj. That can be vanquished; defeatable, conquerable.
VANQUISHABLE adj. able to be vanquished.
CARNIVALESQUEcarnivalesque adj. Resembling or characteristic of a carnival.
CARNIVALESQUE adj. characteristic of or appropriate to a carnival.
QUADRIVALENTSquadrivalents n. Plural of quadrivalent.
QUADRIVALENT n. a quadrivalent chromosomal group.
QUARTERSTAVESquarterstaves n. Plural of quarterstaff.
quarter-staves n. Plural of quarter-staff.
quarter-staves n. Plural of quarter-stave.
QUADRIVALENCESQUADRIVALENCE n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCY.
QUADRUMVIRATESquadrumvirates n. Plural of quadrumvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
QUALIFICATIVESqualificatives n. Plural of qualificative.
QUALIFICATIVE n. something serving to qualify.
QUANTIVALENCESquantivalences n. Plural of quantivalence.
QUAQUAVERSALLYquaquaversally adv. In a quaquaversal way.
QUAQUAVERSAL adv. sloping downward from the center in all directions.
UNVANQUISHABLEunvanquishable adj. That cannot be vanquished; undefeatable, inconquerable.
UNVANQUISHABLE adj. not vanquishable.
QUADRIVALENCIESQUADRIVALENCY n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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